Monday, August 8, 2011

Warren Jeffs and Roman Polanski: Monsters Both (as Hollywood Supports Monsters)--Guest Villains: Muslim Extremists

The problem with Warren Jeffs and that cult he leads has never been polygamy (which there is no excuse not to recognize, IF we recognirze homosexual marriage, as polygamy has a LONG history in the world, to the present day of Osama bin Laden--a fact my hot shot, big time New York lawyer daughter recognized without even any prompting from me). It has always been STATUTORY RAPE. Nope, "ocnsen" is NOT an issue. The whole point is that 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls and 14 year old girls (i would go to 15) have no CAPACITY to "consent" to sex with an older man (including, by the way, 18 and 19 year old boys). This blog--correct as usual--has previously bemoaned the LACK of concern about statutory rape in many circles in today's society--including Palanned Parenthood, which faces virtually constant scandals for not taking statutory rape seriously). But Planned Parenthood is an evil organization. It goes well beyond those fanatics.

Doubt me? Never do that. The despicable mainstream media in this country DOWNPLAYED the crime of Roman Polanski--the director "diding out" in Switzerland--when he was facing extradiction to the United States. Polanski had pleaded GUILLTY to having sex with a 13 year old girl. He is a monster. I repeat: Roman Polanski is a monster, just like Warren Jeff is a monster. Oh, I agree that Jeff has PROBABLY (not certainly) affected more girls adversely. But Polanski's attitude, and HOLLYWOOD'S attitude (the girl "consented'), shows that Polanski is just as open to Jeff to large scale activity. Yep. I would say Polanski is just as weird, but it is not the kind of eerie weirdness of Jeff. It is the kind of CORRUPT weirdness that our "sophisticated" elite is willing to excuse.

I still remember the time I walked away from "Picket Fences" (the David Kelley--here I REALLY do not care about the spelling)--the show that RIDICULED both statutory rape and young teenage sex (the sheriff arresting an older boy for having sex with his ounger daughter, after the family sang "Jingle Bells" as they opened the door to discover the copulating couple). Statutory rape is a SERIOUS issue. (So is young teenage sex, but that is another, separate article, on a different plane than the EVIL of Jeff and Polanski--not to mention Hollywood people who defended lPolanski.)

Yes, I understand that this polygamist CULT is an easy target. That, in fact, illustratess just how bad today's mainstream media is. They are interested in "heroes" and vil"villains"---from the point of view of AGENDA and RATINGS. They could not care less about facts and objective analysis. See, again, the late Michale Crichton's "Airframe"--a book that should be required reading in every "journalism" class in this country (along with the viewing of the Kirk Douglas movie, "Ace in the Hole"). Let me be as blunt as I can: Holly wood AND the modern "journalist" are tow calasses of VILLAINS in this country. They are NOT the "good guys".

Warren Jeffs is a monster. Roman Polanski is a monster. And this article should give you an idea as to why I consider modern Hollywood people, AND modern "journalists", fellow travellers with monsters--essentailly monsters themselves..

P.S. No proofreading or spelll checking (bad eyesight).

P.P.S. Yes, the mainstream media is in full attack mode as to this cult--partly, I think, because they are so bigoted toward the MODERN Mormon religioin (although the cult certainly deserves condemnation for its treatment of girls below the age of consent). But here is where HYPOCRISY comes in.--the mainstream media being composed of the worst hypocrites who have ever walked the Earth, on two legs or four. Is the Warren Jeff cult any worse than the MUSLIM "cults" (Islamic extremists) who compse way too much of Islam? Both claim to be "religion". But the mainstream media is UNINTERESTED in examing the reliigin of the Muslim extremists who are teachign HATE around the world. Al-Qaida grew out of the extreme version of the Muslim religion being taught in Saudi Arabi--the OFFICIAL religion of Saudi Arabia, with state support. If the mainstream media were INTERESTED, what hoor stories could they tell of what is going on in mosques in the United States. I don't know. And neither do you. How CAN we know, when we KNOW that the mainstream media will not report evil in the practice of the Muslim religioon, even if such evil is on a scale with that of Warren Jeff. When you compare evil on this level (Warrn Jeff and Muslim extremists), comparison is meaningless. It is like asking whether Hitler was worse than Salin. Who cares? We are talking about EVIL almost beyond imaginationi . And no, I am not slaying that American Muslims are on the same level as "Islamists" committing genocie in the Sudan, or teaching hate in Saudi Arabia. I doubt it. I assume American Muslims are generally "Americanized" (which, of course, would be a condemnation to Hell as far as Muslim extremists are concerned) The point is that some American Muslim mosques COULD be this bad, and we would never know, becaue we have so many American "journalists" who are fellow travellers in evil.

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