Sunday, May 18, 2008

Barack Obama: Does CNN Want Him Killed?

Let us go back to that MOVIE that appeared to suggest that assassination of President Bush was a GOOD THING.  Did you notice any real "concern" over President Bush at CNN, or from other leftists?  What about all of those leftist hate websites?  What about all of those statements that the world would be better off with President Bush dead?  For that matter, I have seen numberous statements to that effect on AOL boards.

Have there been many expressions of "concern" about statements (sometimes from famous people) that might lead a mentally disturbed person to try to assassinate President Bush?  Maybe there were a few, but not many.

However, there have been statements by leftists for some time--which even found their way into mainstream media comments--that they worried about the danger that Barack Obama faces--despite little evidence that Barack Obama faces the kind of hatred that President Bush has faced from the left.  There are, of course, always nuts out there.  So any candidate for President is at risk.   However, this "concern" for Barack Obama seems to be strangely overhyped.  It is like the left WANTS Barack Obama to be a Messiah fiugure, complete with crucifixion.  At the very least, they seem to think of him like a Messiah carrying on the mantle of martyrs JFK, RFK, and Martin Luthor King, Jr (NOT the only assassination attempts, as Ronald Reagan was shot and Gerald Ford attacked).  The left seems to care little that their constant references to this might put the idea in the mind of some mentally disturbed person.

Enter Mike Huckabee.  He was a WARM UP speaker at the NRA convention recently, where I think John McCain spoke.  Anyway, there was a crashing noise backstatage as Huckabee was speaking, distracting him (and probably everyone else).  As you know, Huckabee has built a reputation with "ad lib" jokes/witticisms on the spur of the moment.  He tried it one too many times.

He said something like:  "Oh, Barack Obama was probably sitting on a chair back there, and someone pointed a gun at him.  He just hit the floor."

It was not funny.  In fact, it was met with somewhat stunned silence from the audience, who knew more than anybody that you are NOT supposed to point a gun at anything unless you intend to shoot it.

However, this was not something anyone would have paid any attention to, if not for the media attention that resulted.  Huckabee apologized almost immediately.  It was clearly an indefensible remark.

Nowever, you have to have to TORTURE the remark to make it suggest that someone should kill Barack Obama (unlike many of the remarks about President Bush).  Not only was it clearly intended as a joke, but I think it was clearly intended as a joke about Obama and GuNDS.  That is, the idea was not that NRA people may want to kill Obama.  The idea was that Obama was so unfamiliar with guns, and so scared of them, that he would overreact.  The problem is that the NRA well knows that you are NEVER supposed to point a gun at anyone, and that a peson is right to be afraid of that.   So there was nothing funny abut what Huckabee said.

Howev er, that was DAYS ago.  It should never have been national news of any magnitude (Huckabee is not running for anything now, and is unlikely to be a VP nominee).   Okay, yu can see it being a brief news item everywhere, and maybe overhyped by the leftist media.

That does not justify a PANEL DISCUSSION, days later, abut the DANGER Obama is in, and how CNN reporters are SCARED something will happen to him.  That is what CNN did Saturday night, feeding off of Huckabee's attempted joke (which, again, was NOT a joke about trying to kill Obama).  CNN suggested that Huckabee risked inciting someone unstable to point a gun at Obama with the intent of killing him.  They were trying to suggest Huckabee would be to blame.

I have a different take.  Huckabee is to blame for a stupid joke,  which is vaguely offensive (nad sends the wrong message on gun safety).  But, if Barack Obama were to be martyred (terrible, disturbing  thought on many levels), I would BLAME CNN, and leftists who keep bringing up their "fear" of such martyrdom.   THAT kind of thing is what puts ideas in the heads of disturbe people--not a stupid joke that even a disburbed person would not take that way.  I would not even do this entry, except few people read this blog (okkay, maybe FEWER watch CNN, which may be their only excuse).

The question in the title is serious:  Is CNN trying to get Barack Obama killed.  They seem to me to be doing their best.


P.S.  This is what happens when I get bored in front of the TV, as I did Saturday night, and start to surf channels.   If you think that there are too many entries in this blo already, I can't tell you how many they were be if I did such surfing more often.  The result this time (there are two more entries to come tomorrow) confirmed my view that I don't dare do that kind of surfing, for the good of humanity (not to mention me).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I wouldn't take it like that, but the assassination discussion is legitimate, I mean let's face it: Barack Obama is embodying the left's sense of change, hope, positivity. The last time we had a president with that vibe about him he was assassinated, and they got away with the bloody deed too.

But beyond that, I think a look at the bigger picture helps. As <a href="">this lady</a> points out, Obama is technically an apostate due to his departure from the Muslim faith. So, not only to loony white boys with funny costumes dislike him, but fanatical Muslims as well.

Further, given that powers that be, and their insatiable lust for power, it really wouldn't surprise me if they set up some Islamic patsy to take the blame (and then of course die or be killed before he can talk about it), thus tilling the grounds for further development of their nefarious plot & power grab.
