Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fat People and the Blind: "Victim" Society Spirals Out of Control

Yes. one of those hysterically presented AOL featured stories right now is about a study finding "weight bias" about as prevalent as "racism".

Talk about a non-story.  I am SHOCKED that "weight bias" is not substantially MORE prevalent than "racism".  How many examples have you seen lately of discrimination against SMOKERS because they increase health costs for emplooyers (or insurance companies).  It is well known that substantial OBESITY is a BIGGER health problem than smoking.  This idea that we have to "stop" "discrimination" against people from every possible cause is nonsense. 

Tall people (jockeys?), short people, ugly people, smart people, dumb people, nose-picking people, crotch scratching people, homosexual conduct, heterosexual conduct, adultery, scars, tattoos--and so on.  This attempt to make EVERYONE "victims", and to protect EVERYONE from "discrimination", is beyond ridiculous. 

The downside?  You can't fire ANYONE without a lawsuit for "discrimination", and you have to do stpid things like changing your entire paper money system because of the BLIND (need "braille money, you know).

P.S.  In case you missed it, I did NOT make up that example about money "discriminating" agaist the blind.  A Federal appeals court has actually held that our present paper money is UNCONSTITUTIONAL because it "discriminates" against the blind.  LIFE "discriminates" against the blind.  The idea that the CONSTITUION requires that we accommodate the "blind" in all ways is just bizarre.  Note: I have no objection to making things easier for the blind when it is reasonable, but this is RIDICULOUS in terms of a requirement of the CONSTITUTION (as distinguished from some clever people coming up with a non-intrusive, ECONOMOICAL way to helping the blind know what their money is).



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