Monday, May 19, 2008

McCain: Can He Win TEXAS--Not to Mention Tennessee?

Here is an exchange of emails initiated by Tony (who I have mentioned before).  The "Marc" mentioned is my brother  who is co-owner of a trucking company, and lives in Nashville.  Tony lives in El Paso (as do I).  I have anouther brother (electrical engineer with General Dynamics) in Phoenix who is going to vote for NADER.  I have a parmacist brother in Denton who MAY end up votig for McCain, because he is so against Obama, but MAY yet go my route of voting for neither of them.  I actually think McCain will easily carry Texas and Tennessee, because of Obama's WEAKNESS, but could lose some Southern states as conservatives continue to (correctly) understand that McCain thinks as little of them as they think of him.   A solid and enthusiastic African-American vote in some of these Southern states could yet overcome an unethusiastic, anti-Obama, vote for McCain.   Here is the email exchange:

Tony:  "I emailed McCain's website and told them for the first time in my life I wouldn't vote Rebublican.  NOW I"M ON HIS MAILING LIST AS A SUPPORTER.  Talk about not listening."

Me (with copies to various people):   

"I have a feeling that EVERY political website reacts the same way.  I think they figure that if you are interested enough to email them at all, you are a potential supporter (plus, they don't want to try to differentiate, because that means figuring the substance of every email). 
Marc says he is going to vote for Obama.  I won't go that far, but there is no way I will vote for McCain.  I would vote for Hillary, but I don't think she is going to make it (without totally counting her out--the Clintons have more lives than Dracula)."


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