Monday, May 12, 2008

Leftists: Education a Bad Thing?

In the Vietnam war era, the most radical, violent opponents of the war were UNIVERSITY STUDENTS and FACULTY.  This includes, as has been documented, the violent bombers in the Weather Underground (that violent group to which William Ayers belonged), and the violent criminals of the Symbionese Liberation Army (which brought white students together with black thugs in Berkeley, California--all coordinated initially by a University of California Berkeley professor).

You will remember that the communism of Karl Marx was supposed to result from the revolt of the workers.  Instead, it primarily arose from INTELLECTUALS, who have been the primary "consituency" of the far left ever since.

It is NOT the "workers" in the U.S.A. who are the force behind the present loony left--the left of left wing blogs and  It is INTELLECTUALS, or psuedo-intellectuals, and the primary breeding ground is on college campuses--including the FACULTY (Willima Ayers is now a college professor).  It is these people who are willing to believe that President Bush was beh;ind 9/11, and that Reverend Wright is CORRECT to look upon the U.S.A. as the major force for evil in the world.  These are the people who are so enthusiastically supporting Barack Obama, as Obama recongnized when he condescendingly put down small town Democrats clinging to their religion and their guns. 

Working class Democrats, of course, never condoned the violence of the nati-war students and intellectuals of the Vietnam era (whether the working class Democrats liked the war or not).  These are people who love their country.  These are the Democrats who oppose illegal immigration, and generally believe in old style American values.  These are the Democrats now supporting Hillary Clinton (for lack of any other place to go in the Democratic Party, which is more and more becomeing the party of the loony left).

Contrast this with CONSERVATIVES.  Leftists seem to get MORE loony, the more education they have (not all of them, of course, but you can't argue with the fact that most of the really extreme left are EDUCATED people).  In contrast, the most loony conservatives (yours truly excepted, and I am not violent) are generally the LESS educated.   Those paramilitary militia people, or those hanging nooses, are generally NOT educated.  The really loony right is rarely coposed of college students and faculty. For example, it was maninly "lower class" whites--especially in modern times--who have been attracted to the Ku Klux Klan.  You don't generally think of the Klan as being a group recruiting on college campuses. 

WHY is this so?  WHY were Marx and Lenin more intellectuals than workers?  WHY do most of the truly radical left appear to be "intellectual" types?  WHY have the really vioent, anti-war types teneded to be unviersity students and faculty?  WHY has this also been true of most of the other groups who DEMONSTRATE these days?  (It is a long tie since the violent union/labor conflicts). 

My own explanation:  The far left is not rational, but it appeals to the type of irrationality to which "intellectuals" are prone.  In contrast, truly irrational people of the far right are irratonal in a more animalistic, unthinking way (the stereotype of "Deliverance" and the foaming at the mouth bigot).  You have some far right, educated loons attracted to the eugenics kind of irrationality of Hitler's "master race", but that has pretty much faded in modern times.

Does this mean that conservatism has gotten MORE ratonal as society has progress, while leftism has gotten LESS ratioinal?  I think so.  This is at least partly because leftist irrationality is NOT defused by education and communication, while the really vriulent irrationality of the loony right IS defused by education and communication. 

Whether you agree with this last paragraph or not, it is inarguable that the far left seems to be more a crature of advanced "education" than defused by it.  Advanced education seems to do nothing but throw leftists further into a fantasy world into which reality does not intrude--sometimes a violent fantasy world where violence is support of a "higher cause" is acceptable. 

Conservatives just don't live in that kind of intellectual fantasy world.  Oh, you can argue that conservatives have their own fantasies, but you have to admit that "higher" education does not seem to enhance or exaggerate them. 

You doubt me on the intellectual fantasies of letists (you should have learned NOT to doubt me by now)?  One of the stories last week was an "invasion" of one of the primary state buildings of Hawaii (which also happened to be the last royal palace from the time that Hawaii was under the control of a local royal family, before it became a territory of the United States).  I have previously mentioned in this blog that my younger daughter, Kyla, graduated from the University of Hawaii.  I have also previously mentioned that one of her professors (a woman ENGLISH progessor, I believe) brought in a spokesperson for this "liberation" movement in Hawaii trying to "restore" Hawaii to the native people of Hawaii, with the old "government".  This idea was presented to my daugher's class WITH APPROVAL.  Yes, there are any number of intellectuals in Hawaii that want to see Hwaii an independent country again.  You can't be any far gone into the world of leftist loon fantasy than that!!!!

This is why Barack Obama truly worries me.  Whether he is quite this loony himself, I think that Obama is the candidate of these loons.  Further, I hink theses leftists lost to their own fantasy world are presently running the Democratic Party, to a large degree.  If Obama wins, I think they will be fully in control.  That scares me. 


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