Saturday, May 31, 2008

Iraq: Propaganda Contnues (from the Manistream Media--NOT the Bush Administration)

"May closes out as one of the best months in a long time for U.S. troops in Iraq with the number of GI deaths at its lowest level in more than four years. Civilian deaths are also down significantly. Still, some security experts question whether that trend will continue."

The above is the present lead/headlihne paragraph from the AP story reporrting GOOD NEWS from Iraq (news that again indicates that McCain was RIGHT on the:  The Petraeus strategy was the only correct starategy, even while it was violently opposed by Baraack Obama and other Democrats, whether the War in Iraq is ultimately successful or not).

"Still, some security experts question whether that trend will continue."

Do AOL and the despicable Associated Press ever get concerned about PROVING eery single day that hey NEVER do a story without an AGENDA.  In other words, they NEVER simply report the facts ("journalism").  Instead, they do PROPAGANDA.

It still bobbles my mind that the sanctimonious, hypocritica people ih the media have the gall to suggest that Scott McClellan's book convicts the Bush Adminstration of propaganda, when that is al the mainstream media does.

Yolu doubt me (you FOOL you!!!!).  Consdier the above sentence.  In April, I thik, here was a blip UP in deaths in Iraq.   Did the AP find "some experts" to suggest (correctly, it turns out) that such blip was an aberrationi?  Don't be silly.  Yet, in this "news" story we get the above sentence, which is NOT NEWS. It is SPECULATIOIN with an AGENDA.

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