Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Iraq: AOL and AP Anti-American Propaganda Continues

A U.S. soldier in Iraq (a sniper, evidently) used the Quran (a book) as a target to practice on.  I was in the army (when there were DRAFTEES).  This is the kind of thing that soldiers tend to DO.  You might consider what U.S. soliders said about "Japs" during World War II, or what FDR did in placig AMERICAN Japanese in detention camps.  Not smart.  Bullet ridden Quran was LEFT to be found, and in a Sunni area where the U.S. has been getting cooperation.  Not really very significant, but the U.S. military n the area held a ceremony to apologize--to soothe the sensibilites of offended Muslims.   The despicable AP, and AOL, then proceeded to make this non-story a WORLDWIDE story.  Well, the U.S. miilitary did do a ceremony, and therefore there is some excuse for that story.  But (surprise!!!) the despicable AP and AOL will not let it go.   Here is the lead from today's AP/AOL story (can't make this stuff up):

"Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's office said Tuesday that President Bush apologized for a U.S. soldier shooting at a Quran, but the White House later said Bush expressed "deep concern" and stopped short of apologizing"

Yep, the above (really can't make these things up) is the AP/AOL way of trying to generate an Iraq "controversy" over what was an insignificants story in the first place.

WHY is this a "big" story?  Answer:  Only because AOL and the despicable AP are PROPAGANDA outlets for anti-American PROPAGANDA--trying to provoke "controversty" where there is none.

The Quran (remember when it was spelled "Koran"--don't these spelling changes for little apparent reason annoy you?) is a BOOK.  The U.S. soldier shot a BOOK.  Stupid, yes.  The military in Iraq made  a big ceremony out of apologizing in order to calm Sunnis/Muslims who were offended.  Over with?  Right?

Not if you are the anti-American AOL  and AP (or mainstream media in general).  You don't WANT it to be over with.   Does it make any difference whether President Bush said something that could be regarded as an apology (totally unnecessary, as the military had a ceremony to apologize, and there is no reason for President Bush to associate the entire U.S. with the action of one soldier, even if the despicable AP wants to)?  No, it makes no difference, and this is a typical AP non-story with an agenda.

What does it accomplish to keep this story "alive" as a WORLDWIDE story?  Right.  It puts U.S. troops (and U.S. citizens) in DANGER (this from a media generally too COWARDLY to even reprint those infamous Danish, Muhammad cartoons).

Remember Newsweek causing anti-American RIOTS by a FALSE story about a U.S. guard at Gitmo urinatiing on the Quran/Koran?  People DIED.

I have said before:  the American media has BLOOD on its hands because of the way it tries to PROVOKE anti-American hatred.

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