Friday, May 9, 2008

Stephen King and John Kerry: Troops Can't Read

Yes, there is a video making the rounds where author Stephen King tries to promote reading (see the previous entry:  AGENDA makes you STUPID, even if you are Stephen King).

The WAY that King tries to promote reading is to suggest (correctly) that reading is necessary to success in life.  That is where he goes off the deep end.  The example he chose was:  "If you can't read, you are going to end up some place like the army, or Iraq" (a fair quote, although not a word for word quote). 

Shades of John Kerry!!!!  Remember Kerry's "joke", when he was speaking to some students, about how people without an eductioan, and ignorant, are the kind of people who end up in the army and in Iraq?

Is it a mere coincidence that Kerry and King are both from New England?  Maybe not. 

What is the "defense" of Stephen King?   It is basically that he did not "intend" to "insult" our troops.

Say you do not intend to insult African-Americans when you say:  "What can you expect of black people; they don't learn the same way we do."  (Oh, I forgot;  Reverend Wright DID say essentially that.)  Is it better or worse that you do not "intend" to insult African-Americans?  To me, it is WORSE, when you don't even realize it is an insult.  That shows that your world view is so slanted that you look upon the people you are unconsciouslly insulting with the true contempt of an elitist snob.

That is the way I also look at Barack Obama's comments in San Francisco.  Barack Obama should be made an honorary New Englander.  He has the attitude of the elitist snob New Englander (or San Franciscan) down pat.  I have no doubt that Barack Obama did not INTEND to insult small town Americans with his reference to how they irratonally turn to guns, religion, bigotry, and xenophobia because of their personal frustrations with the economy.  The condescion of that kind of UNCONSCHIOUS, automatic INSULT is what I think disqualifies Barack Obama from being President.  I would not vote for him as dogcatcher of Mt. Ida Arkansas EITHER (see previous entry, where I said the same thing about John McCain).

P.S.  So I would not vote for either John McCain or Barack Obama as dogcatcher of Mt. Ida, Arkansas--much less for President of the United States.  Don't I know that ONE of them is going to be President?  Yes, I do know it (absent a miracle).  If I think about it too much, that is what depresses me most abut this contry (not personally, as I have previously noted in the entry on conservatives being HAPPIER than leftists).  Too much of the country thinks that it is acceptable to think like Barack Obama, John Kerry, Stephen King, or even John McCain (who, of course, would at least never say this kind of thing about the troops, and could never get away with it because of the media double standard).   Too much of the country is willing to buy into the fantasy world of leftists.  It is a fantasy world of a socialist utopia where the leaders of all of the countries of the world, and the terrorists, sit around and sing FOLK SONGS together--in a "green" location.  Reality will intrude eventually.  The question is:  Will we survive the fantasy?

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