Thursday, May 29, 2008

Opera: A Dull Art Form--An Inconvenient Truth

Opera is the DULLEST art from ever created--bar none.  Okay, the MUSIC can be impressive, but who can really stand to watch an opera performed?  I think opera has about as many viewers worldwide as CNN and MSNBC (except, maybe, in the effete European countries).

WHY am I suddenly picking on opera?  After all, if yo LIKE opera, and find it inspriing high culture, why should I hurt your feelings?  You have a right to like what you like.  A listener actually called the Rush Limbaugh program to complain that Limbaugh appeared to be dissing "classical music" (oh, if opera were only just music!). 

That explains why I am bringiing up OPERA (a first for me).  It is the same reason that Rush Limbaugh was talking abut it.

Some Italian (I think) opera house (or composer or something) is going to make an OPERA out of Al Gore's really stupid, and false "An Inconvenient Truth."

Now your first reaction may be that the Apocalypse is clearlly upon us, and the Antichrist already walking the world, if someone wants to make an OPERA out of Gore's movie.  That is not quite my reaction.

My reaction is that they DESERVE EACH OTHER.  Why should the dullest man who ever lived, and a movie that would be the dullest movie ever made if not for the hyped falsehoods in it, not be combined with the dullest art form ever invented by man?

I think this is entriely appropriate.  Gore's movie was certainly not science.   Why should it not live on as bad art?


).S.  The major contribution of opera to civilization is probably the statement allegedly made by the immortal Yogi (Bera)--or somebody similar:  "It ain't over until the fat lady sings"--referring to the GAME.   Operas, of course, traditionally end with the hefty leading lady singing the climactic song.

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