Friday, May 16, 2008


Over the past month or two there have been ten, or more, AOL/AP stories about the elections in ZIMBABWE.  Most of the stories have been about the Presidential election there being still unresolved.  Today's story was about the setting of a runoff election for June.  There is a minor controversy over this, since the opposition candidate believes he won outright in the first election, but nothing really major seems to be going on in Zimbabwe other than a continued delay in determining who the President will be.

I remain amazed at the amount of "ink" the despicable Associated Press, and AOL, have given to the Zimbabwe election over the past two months.  You would think that therre are only two countries in the world whose politics have any significance:  the U.S. and Zimbabwe.   Even Iraq POLITICS (I think because things are going BETTER) has not received the kind of attention the despicable AP has been giving to Zimbabwe.

WHY?  Knowing the despicable Associated Press, I am sure there is an AGENDA here.  I admit that I am not totally sure what it is.  It may be just a determination fo pay attention to pretty meaningless African politics (meaningless, except for the people of Zimbabwe).   There is a "politically correct" "movement" in this country that we pay too little attention to black Africa.  I think this arises from a conceit that African-Americans care what happens in Africa (as if a Chicago "gang banger" cared a hoot about Africa, or even should care).

  But why Zimbabwe in particular?  I wish someone would tell me.  I like to understand the agenda behind AP stories, since I am perhaps the world's greatest expert on analyzing AP agendas (See archives of this blog).

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