Sunday, May 18, 2008

North Korea, Harry Truman, and the Anti-American AP (Promoted by the anti-American AOL


AP IMPACT: Thousands killed by US's Korean ally
Associated Press
Posted: 2008-05-18 13:38:59
DAEJEON, South Korea (AP) - "Grave by mass grave, South Korea is unearthing the skeletons and buried truths of a cold-blooded slaughter from early in the Korean War, when this nation's U.S.-backed regime killed untold thousands of leftists and hapless peasants in a summer of terror in 1950."
Look at the above headline, and lead paragraph.  I really can't make up these Associated Press stories.  The despicable Associated Press, and AOL, PROVE every single day my thesis that they are sources of anti-American PROPAGANDA.
Look at that headline.   "IMPACT" yet, for a story from 1950.  Harry Truman, a DEMOCRAT, was President then.  Democrats controlled Congress.  Further, North Korea had INVADED South Korea.  Is this really important now?  I am not saying that it should be ignored.  But LOOK at that headline!!!!  It does not even identify the killers.  It does not refer to the atrocities and agression of North Korea.  It identifies the killers as "allies" of the United States--clearly the ONLY reason for the hysterical way the Associated Press is presenting this story. 
Don't you feel like a FOOL for ever doubting me about the Associated Press, and AOL, being  fundamentally anti-American, and a source of anti-American propaganda?  You should feel like a fool.  For any reasonable person this "story" should be the last straw.  Remember, I have promised to be the last one left to turn out the lights, afer everyone else has left AOL.  "IMPACT" indeed!!!!
Consider this headline:  U.S. "ally" murdered 20 million people!!!  Something like that is absolutely true.   Before, during, and after World War II Joseph Stalin, and the Soviet Union, MURDERED some 20 million people (give or take a few MILLION).  The Soviet Union, under Stalin, was, of cuorse, our ALLY druing World War II.  However, Stalin was a LEFTIST (for whom other leftists made EXCUSES at the time--calling him an "agrarian reformer".  That means that you will never see that headline on the present Associated Press, or the present AOL.
Then there was Mao, another leftist, and the Chinese "cultural revolution that killed TENS OF MILLIONS of people. 
North Korea itself is almost universally recognized as the most STALINIST regime in the world today--a murderer of many more than "thousands".
What is the AP suggesting we DO about this, or that we should have done at the time?  Withdraw our support for South Korea (a present DEMORCARY)?  Should we have let North Korea overrun South Korea?  Nope.  This is anti-American PROPAGANDA, pur and simple.  The above AP authors are anti-American.  I will go further:  they are EVIL people.  I have said before that ANYONE working for the Associated Press should be ASHAMED, and should resign (as Barack Obama should have resigned long ago from Reverend Wright's church).
For this is REverend Wright territory.  This article is from the "hate America" school--directly out of Reverend Wright's teachings that the U.S.A. is the main source of terror in the world. 
Remember Reverend Wright's statements after 9/11 about the U.S. being as bad as al-Qaida, and how the U.S. (Truman again) was a terrorist for Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and how we had committed all of these other terrorist acts? 
There is just no excuse for the way AOL and the despicable AP have presented this story.  They are definitely no better than Reverend Wright. They may be worse.   Consider this comment under this story on AOL, which illustrates exactly the "hate America" audience around the world to which this anti-American propaganda is addressed (presented with my response): 

"Gee, where are are the neo-cons now? Just asking!"

Read my posts (similar to entry above).  We are where we always were--NOT blaming th U.S. for every evil inthe world, but instead recognizing the PRIMARY sources of evil in the woord.  Where are the LEFTISTS now?  They are NOT leading the fight against the real evils in the world, and never have (since World War II).  WHERE are the leftists today: 

I will tell you:  Still blaming the U.S.A. for every evil in the world, and EXCUSING the real evil doers in the world.  They are also working for AOL and the ani-American Associated Press, putting out disgraceful anti-American propaganda.

Here is another AOL comment, and my response:

"This was a true genocide that needs to be investigated by the UN under whose auspicies the defense of the South Korean "democracy" was carried out in 1950-1953."

Uh-huh. At least he above post gets the JURISDICTION right. The truly despicable AP, and AOL, do NOT (in their headline--the single slupidest, anti-American PROPAGANDA headline I have ever seen). South Korea was NOt, in fact, our "ally" in the Korean War. The UNITED NATIONS intevened to stop an act of naked aggression by North Korea.

What does the above person suggest? That Harry Truman be convicted POSTHUMOUSLY as a WAR CRIMINAL? That the present, democratic government of South Korea by deposed and replaced with a STALINIST government like that of North Korea (universally recognized as one of the worst governments in the world today)? Talk about "genocide". North Korea has been committing murder on a mini-Stalin like scale for some 60 years.

Here is a final comment from AOL under this story, with only a brief comment by me:

"So much for blaming Iraq for the WMD which was all a lie. The US govt. should be brought before the UN Human Rights and seriously questioned. This is why other nations no longer respect the US. Do you blame them? NO!! What a shameful government. Always blaming other nations but can't see the wicked of their way!"

Q.E.D.  To people like this, and those responsible for this AOL/AP story, Saddam Hussein was a GOOD GUY (better than the U.S.).  As stated, to theese people, the U.S. is the main source of evil in the world

I feel strongly about this one, and therefore am repeating below the earlier versions of the main entry above, which are in the form they were posted on AOL (reverse order).  Even though these primarily duplicate what I say above, I am including them for the sake of completeness:

skip3366 06:39:45 PM May 18 2008

Maybe the despicable AOL and the despicable AOL would like to do a story on the peole the LEFTIST Stalin murdered, or that the LEFTIST North Koreans have murdered (druing the Korean War and afterward. Then there are the LEFIST Red Chineese, who MURDERED uncounted MILLIONS of people during the infamous "cultural revolution" of that famous LEFTIST, MAO.

Ooops!!! I forgot. The AP, and AOL, only do anti-AMIERICAN propaganda, becaue they believe (along with Reverend Wright--and Barack Obama?) that the U.S A. is the primary source of evil in the world.

skip3366 06:33:44 PM May 18 2008

Truly despicable Associated Press: Source of consistently anti-American PROPAGANDA.

You doubt me (you FOOL you; maybe you, too, could have a job as an anti-American propaganist with the Associated Press, or AOL). Read the HEADLINE. Then understand that this is lkabeled an AP IMPACT sotry, even though it dates from 1950 in a war of agression conducted by NORTH KOREA. "U.S. ally" indeed!!!!! Are the truly despicable AP, and AOL, usggesting that SouthKorea should NOT have been an ally? Harry Truman, by the way, a DEOMRAT, was President of the United Staes (as he was during those OTHER "terrorist" actions by the U.S. at Hiroshima and Nagsaki (autority: Reverend Wright, which is proably why Barack Obama impliedly endorsed Reverend Wright during all of those years).

Did you know that ANOTHER U.S "ally" massacred 20 milion people before, during and after World War II? Absolutely true. That was the Soviet Union under that human monster, Joseph Stalin--an "ally" during World War II.  It is now recognized that Stalin deliberately enganed in gneocide.



P.S.  "neo-con" is a slur term, meant as an all purpose insult, with no objective meaning.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. A bullshit article.
