Wednesday, May 21, 2008

John McCain and Homosexuality

The recent California Supreme Court  vote establishing a dictatorship of the judiciary as to any issue upon which judges want to impose their policy views, and subverting democracy on the issue of marriage, should be a boost to Republicans. and conseratives.  It won't be (except maybe in a few races in California).  That is because of people in the Republican Party like John McCain. 

What did McCain say about the Californis Supreme Court "recognizing" homosexual marriage?  Even if you did not hear, you can probably guess.  McCain said EXACTLY the same thing that Obama and Clinton said.  In the face of a ruling by JUDGES overturning to will of the people of our largest state, McCain's wimpy response was that the issue of homosexual marriage is FOR THE STATES to decide.  That is just a way of DUCKING the issue.  Nope.  It does not matter that McCain has supported Arizona attemts to define marriage as between a man and a woman.  McCain exposed himself as UNWILLING to really take on either leftists or jduges who flout the will of the people.

You would think that the California Supreme Court decision would at least help Republicans becaus it exposed "acitivist" judges for how they are:  dictators willing to subvert democracy and impose their own policy views on us all.   Not so.  Republicans can't even salvage that.  The California ruling was made possible by REPUBLICAN judges.  Further, Republicans like McCain (and, I believe, Arnold) basically have told people opposed to judicial activism that they have to ACCEPT the leftist decisions of activist judges--that there is nothing to be done.  WHY does this cop out give you any confidence that McCain intends to fight against acitivist judges?  It gives me NO confidence at all, and merely confirms my (low) opinion of McCain.

Let us be blunt here.   This all started with ANOTHER judicial decision indicating taht leftists had no intention of accepting the results of the demcratic process on issues of homosexuality and marriage.  That was the original Maassachusetts Supreme Court decision.  Conservatives like me TOLD you that the Massachusetts decision was just the beginning--that homosexual activists were going to pursue this in state and Federal courts until they got further judicial rulings subverting democracy.  But you did not have to listen to ME.  Homosexual activists were telling you the same thing.  It was CLEAR that the only way to stop the INEVITABLE future rulings like that of the California Suprement Court--likely to be eventually followed by acitivist FEDERAL judges-- was a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

McCain's response:  the fantasy world, cop out response that the issue is "for the states".  BY DEFINITION, it is not "for the states" if a Constitutional Amendemnt is enacted (which requires a VOTE of the states).  Suich Amendment was, in fact, necessary to prevent the will of the people OF THE STATES from being flouted by dictatorial judges.

Look at the adavantages conseratives had to pass such an Amendment!!! Bush wonm in 2004 based in large part on this issue.  ALL of human history  (THOUSANDS of years) stands for the proposition that marriage is between a man and a woman (althoug history supports polygamy more than it supports homosexual marriage).  State after state, including California, has voted by about a 2/3's majority to make marriage only between a man and a woman.

Despite this, Republicans FAILED to pass the NEEDED Constiutional Amendemnt, and send it to the states.  WHY did Congress failed. There is no mystery.  Congress failed because of Republicans like :John McCain, and the unwillingness of Republicans to aggressively press this issue. This was a chance for REPUBLICANS to REBUFF activist judges, and let them know that such rulings might well have adverse consequences for the leftist agenda of imposing their views by judicial fiat.   Instead, the California Supreme Court was ENCOURAGED to do as it did, by the fact that the Massachusetts decision has been allowed to stand.  Further, other actiivist judges will be ENCOURAGED if the California decision is allowed to stand.

WHY should the "Christinan Right" vote for John McCain, or ANY Republican?  I see no reason.  I am not part of the "Crhistian Right", and I would not vote for John McCain is someone pressed a gun to my head. 

Thus, as with illegal immigration, oil drilling, and ruining our economy on a cross of "global warming", Republicans have utterly FAILED to act in such a way as to make the California Supreme Court ruling an effective Republican issue.

As I have stated, conservatives hafe been exiled to the WILDERNESS (by Republicans as much as by Democrats).  We WILL return some day--just not this electon.

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