Friday, May 16, 2008

Barack Obama: Liar

I almost can't take it any more.

I just heard on the radio Barack Obama saying that he believes in a "bipartisan" foreign policy.  Since when have either Barack Obama, or other Democrats, done anything toward encouraging a "bipartisan" foreign policy.  They went so far as to ATTACK the creidbiity of General Petraeus when he first set out his new strategy for Iraq.

These are the people that have been virtually hysterical in attacking the entire foreign policy of President Bush over the past six years.  You just can't get any more dishonest than this.

Want more.  It is Barack Obama who recently said that John McCain has "decided" to run for President Bush's third term.  Is that not an UNFAIR attack?  Sure it is.  Obama is perfectly aware that John McCain never "decided" any such thing.  It is DEMOCRATS who have "decided" to attack McCain as running for Bush's third term.  Again, the way Obama put it is dishonest.  Democrats can try to suggest that McCain is running for Bush's thrid term if they want to, even though it is obviously not true and has nothing to do with "issues",  but to suggest that McCain "decided" to do that is an outright lie.

Then there is the LIE about McCain saying it was "fine with him" if we stayed in Iraq 100 years--leaving out McCain's very next sentence that this was "fine" only if NO Americans were being killed or even injured in Iraq. McCain made clear that he was talking about staying in Iraq like we hafe stayed in Germany, AFTER WE HAVE WON THE WAR.   This did not stop Obama himself from LYING about what McCain said (suggesting he was saying that it was okay for the war to continue 100 years).  Further, the Democratic National Committee then ran an ad LYING about the same thing, but quoting the "100 years" and leaving out the rest.  When challenged on this ad, Howard Dean DFEENDED the ad on the grounds that it was abusurd to suggest that we could stay in Iraq without roadside bombs (absurd?  After we WON in Iraq, which is what McCain was talking about?). 

Dishonest.  The Columbia School of Journalism has labeled this attack on McCain DISHONEST.    Yet, an Obama supporter went on O'Reilly LAST WEEK and insisted on trying to say that McCain was willing to be at war 100 years in Iraq--not once, but TWICE.

Dishonest?  I am willing to state it flatly.  Obama is a LIAR willing to say anything that sounds good.  He did not condemn the DNC ad.  In fact, he has made the same dishonest charge.  OBAMS is RUNNING as the candidate TRASHING the President Bush foreign policy.  Then he says he is for a "bipartisan" foreign policy and "civility".  The man is pathological.  He just likes to here himself talk, and thinks that people will forget what he said and did YESTERDAY, so long as he SOUNDS GOOD today. 

I am sorry if I sound like I am frothing at the mouth here, but his makes me mad.  You just can't get any more dishonest than Obama, and leftiststs in general, on these things.  IS the media going to call Obama on this?  Don't hold your breath. 

Consider whether his blog has been proven right.  Obama is DANGEROUS--the most dangerous man I have ever seen in politics (and I saw Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, and Jimmy Carter).  He is all about WORDS, and using words to say ANYTHING that he (and too many other people) thinks sound good.   I truly wish I could stomach voting for McCain.  Barack Obama is a joke.  And leftist Democrats have gone over the edge. To them, even disagreeing with them is a PERSONAL ATTACK, while their virulent personal attacks are "truth".   "Divisive" is too kind a word for these people, and for Barack Obama. 


Anonymous said...

Barry is Obama's birth given name. Read about Barry and the real information that the news org. are NOT reporting about our next President.

Anonymous said...

I am afraid I don't think it makes any difference what Barack Obama's "given name" is. Further, I think the information PUBLICLY available is enough to disqualify Barack Obama from getting any votes for President of the United States, without looking ofr any "secret" information.   See the multiple entries in the archives of this blog.

Now, I agree that the mainstream media is "in the tank" for Barack Obama, and will not, if it can help it, inform us of negative information.  However, I think most of the negative information eventually comes out.  I am not interested in the "Musliim" smear of Barack Obama, or all of these games with his name (although I have said that it is ridiculous to suggest that there is something WRONG with mentioning Barack Obama's full name:  Barack Hussein Obama).

In short, this blog is definitely willing to engate in tough criticism.  I am not williing to buy into some of the far out, internet smears of Obama (without saying that the link is part of those smears, since the comment is not interesting enough to me to want to go to the link).

Anonymous said...

I don't need to say anything except read this: