Friday, May 2, 2008

Economy, Continued

Here is another AOL comment under the relatively GOOD report on jobs this morning (see previous entries today);  it is really, of coure, just an excuse to continue my dissertation on how leftists and the media are trying to RUIN the economy:

"Simply put: the economy is bad. Let's just hope it gets better. Wait, not just hope, but work for a better economy."

See today's entry in my AOL blog, "The Maverick Conservative", entitled "Consumer Confidence".

Is the economy really "bad"?  Nope.  It is not.  It is just not good.  Is there a way to amke it actually BAD (as leftist Democrats seem determined to do).  Of course there is.  One way is panic overreaction by the Federal Govrenment trying to "force" the economy to be good, and doing more harm than good.  The other way is to OVERHYPE and OVERSTATE how "bad" the economy is to the point that people believe it.  That results in lower "consumer confidence" that the facts warrrant, which results in lower consumer spending.  That has the potential to result in a truly BAD economy.

Do leftist Democrats WANT a better economy.  Nope.  They don't.  They surely don't want the American people to PERCEIVE that the economy is getting better, and was never that bad.  That DOOM AND GLOOM political agenda is the best way to RUIN the economy.


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