Thursday, May 1, 2008

Global Warming: The Scam Confirmed

"Parts of North America and Europe may cool naturally over the next decade, as shifting ocean currents temporarily blunt the global-warming effect caused by mankind, Germany's Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences said."

The above is from a article, which is in turn based on a paper just published in the scientific journal, "Nature".

Look again at my three part series, for the previous two days, EXPLAINING the scam of "global warming".  The above again illustrates the PROPAGANDA pressure of "global wrming".  Proper use of the scientific method would result in the above raising QUESTIONS about the validity of the vague concept (not true scientific theory) of "global warming'.  Does the above not indicate that there are CAUSES for BOTH "warming" and "cooling" that may dominate the (insignificant?) effect of greenhouse gases?  Of course it does. 

In fact, these scientists specifically set out to do what "global warming" "theorists" have FAILED to do (deliberately):  To PREDICT CLIMATE.  As I told you, "global warming" does not even pretend to be a comprehensive "theory" of climate, and has made NO accurate predictions of climate.

But the above scientists felt FORCED to empahsize that they were not questioning man-made "global warming", but were only predicting a PAUSE in such warming, which will resume after the ocean current configuration causig the COOLING changes.  Note again, as Michael Crichton pointed out in "State of Fear", there has been NO consistent warming trend IN THE UNITED STATES since 1880.  1936 remains the warmest year in this country. 

Talk about selling out scientific principles for 30 pieces of silver.  As Michael Crichton said, and as I say, scientists are under POLITICALLY INSPIRED pressure to always phrase their conclusions in terms of ACCEPTING the "global warming" orthodoxy, even if their actual findings call it into QUESTION. 

Note that "global warming" has ALREADY "paused".  The Earth, as I pointed out, has not really "warmed" in a the LAST decade (forget about the next one).  Since 1998, the "temperature of the Earth" has gone DOWN.   The last five years have been a flat plateau until this year, where a U.N. agency has already predicted a COOLER 2008, because of cooler PACIFIC ocean temperatures (the above referenced article dealt with ATLANTIC ocean temperatures, mainly). 

What a SCAM!!!!  What a BETRYAL of the scientific method.  Note that there is NOTHING that can challenge the ortodoxy of "global warming", according to that orthodoxy.  COOLING is just a "temporary" thing, until the wariming resumes.  Meanwhile, we are supposed to act as if "global warming" theory is TRUE, even though it did NOT PREDICT any such "pause". 

This exposes exactly what I was saying.  Science is not the point here.  ALL "scientific" findings have to be filtered through the POLITICAL orthodoxy of "global warming", even though the ONLY real "EVIDENCE" for "global warming" is a rise in world temperatures that these new models indicate could have well been caused by NATURAL ocean currents (as NASA concluded last summer as to arctic warming, before another part of NASA tried to suggest that the arctic melting was unusual). 

WHEN will some scientists with guts start saying that the "emperor has no clothes", and start actually applying the SKPETICAL scientific method to "global warming"? 

Don't hold your breath.  Self-interest is a strong motivation, even for scientists (who are human beings, like the rest of us). In the meantime, there is NO reason to pay any attention to the propaganda of "global warming".  "Science" has been corrupted so much by political ORTHODOXY (of the Lysenkoism type), that you just can't trust the conclusions.  You can sometimes read between the lines of the actual DATA, but the conclusions are nothing but propaganda.

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