Friday, May 2, 2008

Leftist Depression: When Does It Become More Dangerous to Them Than To the Rest of Us?

This is a post I put today on AOL, under the story about the relatively GOOD news on jobs:

You owe it to your leftist friends to go to "The Maverick Conservative" and read today's entries.  With the example of the D.C. Madam fresh in our minds, we need to be especailly alert for people who may be DEPRESSED.  There is nothing more depressing for leftists than the thought that the economy might be getting BETTER.

Yes, leftists are deluded, with the kind of disconnect from reality typical of the mental disease of schizophrenia.  But do they really deserve to DIE because we don't get them the HELP they need?  I don't think so.  That is why, if you want to save your deluded, but "good people", leftist friends, you need to go to "The Maverick Conservative" so that you can be alert to the signs that indicate a leftist needs HELP--even to the point of being placed

Well, you say, the previous entries in the blog may give SOME guidance as to recognizing dangerous signs of a leftist getting ready to snap, but there is little concrete guidance as to SPECIFIC "warning sign".   I accept that criticism as valid.

So I want to call your attention to the following, SPECIFIC warming signs that may justify placing a leftist on suicide watch:

1.  The person starts compulsively searching CBS, MSNBC, and the rest of the mainstream media, as well as the internet, for statements of Senator Charles Schumer about the economy.

2.  The person develops a compulsion to listen to every minute of Alan Colmes' radio program.

3.  The person starts telling everyone he meets, or even passes in the street:  "Isn't the economy TERRIBLE.  I am saving my money.  Don't ou agree that NOBODY should be spending any money on anything but gasoline now, and that we should be saving the rest of our money to make sure we have enough to buy gasoline in the future."  If the person is wearing a "Save Anwar" button, this is especially bad.

Keep reading this blog for MORE help in spotting potentially suicidal lefitists.  Early warning signs ARE more subtle than picketing Wall Street because of RISING stock prices (don't they realize how BAD things are?).  Everyone recognizes that warning sign. But you need to keep in touch with "The Maverick Conservative" for more suble signs, as it is important to catch these deepening depressions early, before they spiral down into the abyss.   For example, if the person actually CHEERS when Obama says that the economy is getting "worse and worse", that leftist person may be close to the breaking point (as we already know Obama is).

Do you think I am exaggerating here (you really are a fool, aren't you)?  Consider that the following is the post that FOLLOWED the post quoted above, AND the previous entry, on the AOL comment board under the jobbs story:

"there are no more jobs to cut."

What did I say to that.  Well, first I merely copied and pasted my previous entry today, whre I quoted a similar post that previously appeared on that same board, and my reply.  Then I posted the following:

Where did my previous post come from? It was merely a "copy and paste" from "The Maverick Conservative" of a PREVIOUS (erased) post that appeared on this board saying the SAME stupid thing. I mean, if I were making up these posts myself (I am not), I could not prove my point better. GOOD news on the economy DEPRESSES leftist Democrats.

The idea that there "are no more jobs to cut", after a SIX YEAR expansion (including millions of net jobs added to the economy) is ojectively ridiculous.

There you have it:  exactly why you need to keep reading "The Maverick Conservative" to be able to get information as to early warning signs that a leftist friend is about to SNAP, and enter possibly terminal depression.  You now have another telling sign.  If the person's reaction to relatively GOOD news on jobs is:  "There are no more jobs to cu", that is a REALLY DANGEROUS SIGN.


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