Friday, May 2, 2008

Gas Prices, Obama, and Leftist Elitism

Barack Obama just held a news conference where he attacked what he called the Clinton/McCain proposal for a moratorium on federal fuel taxes for the summer, and also denied being an elitist (saying he was closer to the people in the last 20 years in REverend Wright's church than his opponents have been over that time period--okay, he didn't put it quite that way). 

"Elitist" is a matter of ATTITUDE, and not where you came from in life. 

Is it not "elitist" to assume that 18 cents less in gasoline cost means NOTHING to people?  Is it not "elitist" to suggest that we can't afford a moratorium on gas taxes because the GOVERNMENT needs the money--that we can't find the money elsewhere to make up the highway and infrastructure funds by CUTTING government SPENDING?  Is it not ELITIST to suggest that the GOVERNMENT can't tighten its belt, like ordiarny people have to when faced with spending more money on gasoline?   This goes to Hillary Clinton's suggestion, by the way, that we have to PAY for a temporary tax cut, instead of CUTTING SPENDING--absurd, revelaing leftist cant.

Mike Bloomberg is being suggested as an Obama Vice President.  HE has suggested that we are trying to DISCOURAGE people from driving (in other words, that we NEED highter gasoline prices, which is the true. leftist, elitist position).

In discussing Obama's ridiculous position on a moratorium on fuel taxes (which would help more than just people driving to work--trucking is in desperate trouble in this country, as well as those who have to apy to ship things), did I mention the HYPOCRISY of Obama.  I think I need to, as well as the thypical Obama Syndrome suggestion that it is ony what I say today that you should pay any attention to.

It is typical of Obama. He wants you to listen to ONLY what he says today, and not what he said or did yesterday (or a month ago or a year ago or...well, just look at the Reverend Wright matter, or the San Francisco comments, and you know what I mean). Obama voted FOR a gasoline tax break when he was in the legislature in Illinois. But he is totally captive to the idea that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT needs to be in total control of your life. amd should always get MORE of your money rather than less--leftist to his very core.

Now Hillary Clinton is no better (just less dangerous).  SHE, as stated above, is for McCain's idea of a fuel tax moratorium, but wants to PAY FOR IT with other taxes.  In other words, Clinton agrees with Obama that the federal government should NEVER have to reduce ITS spending, or tighten ITS belt.  She, too, wants the federal government to be in control of everyone's life, and rejects the idea of ever REDUCING federal government spending.  It is a leftist, elitist idea that we have to PAY for lower taxes--for money the government does NOT receive (NOT money it is SPENDING).  This idea that the government is ENTITLED to your money, and that all good comes from the government, is the very core of leftism in this country (except when they are taking on the Bush Adminstration, in which case the government is EVIL, but only until leftists assume their proper role IN CHARGE).   There is no fundamental difference between Obama and Clinton on this principle. 

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