Friday, July 25, 2008

Barack "Spanish" Obama: Citizen of the World

Obama, in the U.S.  "America, this is our moment.  This is our time."  Yep.  He said it here first, arrogant as it was (equating electing himself with a messianic event).  But that did not come close to plumbing the depths (heights, from his point of view) of arrogance.
Here is Obama, in Berlin plagiarizing HIMSELF (although also repeating what Bono and other leftists are out there saying):  "People of the World:  This is our moment.  This is our time"
Yep.  Obmaa is telling the WORLD that the U.S. must elect him to SAVE THE WORLD.  Obama PROMISED to REMAKE THE WORLD, as well.
This is the single, most dangerous combination of arrogance, combined with lack of qualifications, ever to run for President of the United States.  I have told you before that I could vote for Hillary Clinton for President (over John McCain--not that she would be my first choice), but I can't stomach voting for Obama because he is too DANGEROUS (to the country, as I think he may actually be the SAVIOR of CONSERVATIVES--ironic in the extreme if Obama represents The Messiah, or perhaps anti-Christ is the more accurate analogy, to bring in the reign of CONSERVATIVES, and rescue us from the wilderness).
Yes, I have, accurately, told you that my feminist younger daughter, Kyla, seems to be ready to use the Presidency as a mere stepping stone to being ruler of the world.  First, I did not say she intended to do it before she had the objective qualifications.  Second, however, I am known to exaggerate somewhat as to my daughters.  They are not QUITE as bad as I make them out to be.  I did not realize that Obama would beat Kyla to the punch, and basically aspire to be Emperor of the World, and Messiah, all rolled into one arrogant package who reads a teleprompter well.

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