Saturday, July 5, 2008

Vermont: Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate Points at YOU

Leftists don't seem to understand that encouraging moral laxness, and even criminal behavior, has CONSEQUENCES.

Thus, you have the leftist attitude toward both "family values" and sex DESTROYING the black family (along with a leftist welfare system that encouraged the break up of poor families).  This has had a worse result for African-Americans than the attitude of any and all redneck racists out there.  The racist attitude of excusing black crime as a natural reaction to racial discrination is right up there in second place.  Redneck racism is way down the list as far as causes of Africna-American destruction in today's America (below, for example, the habit of RELYING on the Federal Government, and regarding yourself as ENTITLED to be "taken care of" by society, because you and your race are a VICTIM of racism).

Thus, we come to Vermont and the leftist attitude toward CRIME.  This attitude is that there is no such thing as a bad person (similar to the more defensible theory that thereis no such thing as a "bad" dog), but only failures by society. Criminals are not responsible for what they do (in the leftist view).  Rather, society has failed criminals by failing to help them before they become criminals, treating them so badly that they are twisted into becoming criminals.

Vermont is as leftist as state as there is.  That means that its attitude toward criminals is leftist.  Thre is no area where Vermont has shown this more than with regard to sexual predators (sex crimes against children).  Bill O'Reilly has regularly exposed Vermont as being unwilling to sentence sex criminals to substantial jail time.

Now we have this abduction and murder of a 12 year old girl.  More than that, there are those rumors of a child sex "ring" and/or another young teenage girl participating in setting up the rape and murcer.  New England (Goucester, Massachusetts and 17 pregnant hisgh school girs anyone) has also been on the cutting edge of that outstanding idea (sarcasm) of brith control for 11 year old girls.  Of course, if you are going to have a leftist attitude toward "family values", maybe you NEED birth control for 11 year old girs--terrible as the message is.  I digress.

The point is that Vermont has virtually sent an engraved invitation to child sex predators:  WE UNDERSTAND YOU.  You will not be treated harshly here.

Did this attitude, and history (see the examples provied by O'Reilly, and the failure of the legislature to pass stronger legislation on punishment of child sex offenders), contribute to this terrible crime?  You can't logically come to that conclusion.  Terrible sex crimes occur in Texas, and other states without Vermont's leftist attitudes.

However, what you CAN say is that leftist attitudes EVENTUALLY undermine the fight against crime.  It is not just that criminals think about the punishment before committing a crime.  That is the least of it.  The leftist attitude that people are not responsible for what they do, and should not be held responsible for what they do, seeps into the society as a whole.  To me, it is no accident that sex crimes against children are expoloding, as child sex is exploding--even with the campaign against sex offenders that has swept across the nation in states not dominated by leftists.

This explains why the Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate has stopped spinning this week frimly pointing toward VERMONT.  As readers of this blog know by now, "the Finger" is represented by the statuette of an INDEX finger, and being my reincarnation (not literally, as there is no connection, but in spirit) of the old "Laugh In" "award" for conspicious stupidity.

Vermont deserves this award for its previous attitude toward sex criminals.  Hell, it deseverves the award for Howard Dean.  The abduction and rape of a 12 year old girl, which may--after all--MIGHT be related to the leftist "culture" in Vermont merely highlights who far Vermont has gonie off the beam.  Thus, although it would be a leftist type of conclusion to say that the state of Vermont is responsible for this CRIMINAL act (for which the CRIMINAL(s) are responsible), Vermont is responsible for its own leftist failure to hold people responsible for what they do.

Award Ceremony:

As usual, this is a virtual ceremony (no video and my blog cartoonist is saying I am too demanding, as she has better things to do than work so hard (she has her standards to upold) on cartoons for a limited atudience--meaning you will get intermittent illustrations, at best.  You need to use your IMAGINATION here.

Imagine (as a visual aid) that Dick Martin is THRUSTING the statuette of "the Finger" at the camera, saying:  "Vermont, this award is for YOU;you DESERVE it."  You also need to imagine Howard Dean accepting the award for Vermont, as the most appropriate person (even though he is obviously no longer governor).  



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