Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama, Muhammad Cartoons, Muslims. Intolerance, With Mention of my Older Daughter (the Cartoonist)

Obama is making a big deal out of the "satiric" cartoon in the LEFTIST New Yorker magazine (a cartoon MENAT to be INSULTING to Obama opponents).

I have said before, correctly, that leftists do NOT believe in free speech.  NO one has really challenged me on any of those entries, because the examples have been inarguable.  If YOU doubt me, consider what would have happened if RUSH LIMBAUGH had put the New Yorker cartoon on the cover of his newsletter (maybe he will do something similar yet, since one of the things I like about Limbaugh is that he has no fear).  There would have been ANOTHER (unconstitutional violation of free speech) letter on the official stationary of the the Senate Majority Ledaer, signed by Democratic Stnatores, asking/demanding  that Limbaugh be fired (that previous letter was over the PHONY, distorted "phony soldier" comment by Limbaugh referring to FAKE soldiers out there who pretend a military record they do not have).

Nople  Leftists do not believe in free speech.  But there is only so far they are willing to go in trashing a LEFTIST publication.  They have no such restraints as far as any CONSerVATIVES (or Don Imus, who mistakenly thought he had built up leftist goodwil).

In case you don't know (living under a rock), by the way, the New Yorker cartoon was a COVER showing Obama in traditional Muslim garb with Michelle Obama in an AFRO, combat boots, with a weapon, and generally looking like a member of the Symbiones Liberation Army (kidnapped Patty Hearst).  Aside:  Is there ANYONE who does ot think Michelle Obama is fully capable of being that kind of person?  I digress.  The cartoon further shows a picture of Osama bin Laden in the background, and a burning American flag.

Segue to the Danish, Muhammad cartoons.  That is where the mainstream media PROVED that IT did not believe in freedom of the press and free speech (being leftists, they do NOT really believe in either), as they CAVED to Muslim INTOLERANCE and violence with regard to the (relatively tame) Danis cartoons of muhhad.  Oh, the mainstream media also proved themselves to be COWARDS.

Segue to this blog and my cartoonist, older daughter (Kenda).  If I could draw like she can, this blog WOULD contain Muhammad CARTOONS (as offensive as I could make them, in the sense of attacking Islamic extremism).   I toyed with the idea of having Kenda do those cartoons (at least the drawings) for me.  Two problems:  In real life, Kenda is a BOSTON LAWYER, with a big firm, and I really could not ask her to take that big a risk with her career and life.  I am perfectly willing to take it (retired as I am, and unafraid of Muslim extremists as I am).  But, really it was way too much to ask of Kenda. 

Second:  I can't CONTROL Kenda.  She has a mind of her own, as exhibited when I attempted to get her to illustrate (with slapdash caricatures, in myu view of things) blog entries.  She has her STANDARDS, and refused to do carttons that did not meet those standards.  That meant both that she was unvilling to take instruction from me, AND that it was too time consuming for her to do regular cartoons that met her standarsds as an "artiste".  I still hope Kneda will contribute a cartoon from time to time, on subjects of her choosing (subject to my sarcastic comments), but have pretty much given up on the idea of her as a mere illustrator of MY entries.  Boy, am I glad I never approached her with the idea of Muhammad cartoons.  Talk about the HUMILIATION I would have suffered!!!  I digress again (sort of).

Still, my yearning to have MUHAMMAD cartoons on this blog shows you why I LIKE Rush Limbaugh's reaction to Obama's reaction to the New Yorker cover.  Limbaugh, in a deliverate provocation to the mainstream media (who were out there saying that he New Yorker SHOULD have done a cover showing LIMBAUGH PAINTING THE PICTURE THAT THE LEFTIST NEW YORKER PUT ON THE COVER), had a unique take.  He basically suggested (by implication, rather than directly saying it) that he had never thought Barack Obama was a Muslim, UNTIL Obama's reaction to the New Yorker cartoon cover.  This is what Limbaugh basically said (close to word for word, and capturing the spirit):  "Who is it that gets all upset and intolerant about CARTOONS?  Isn't it MUSLIMS?"

You have to love a man willing to tweak the mainstream media that way, and able to get them to PUBLICIZE Limbaugh almost daily.   If I were in the mainstream media, I would just resort to the old Japanese code of honor requiring suicide when you have been shamed.  Limbaugh hands these people their head every single day.

Notice that conservatives did NOT do the New Yorker cover.   Sure, there are right wing kooks, or just plain kooks, engagin in a "whisper campaign" that Obama is a Muslim (question:  Is it REALLY better that Obama was a member of Reverend Wright's CULT?).  "Influential" leftists engage in more deliberately deceptive and HATE filled misinformation every single day.  If you doubt that (you really are a fool, aren't you), consider how many prominent leftists (Rosie O'Donnell) were willing to endorse the idea that President Bush arranged 9/11 (not to mention the KOOK idea that President Bush invaded Iraq for Halliburton, which the WHOLE Democratic Party is willing to consider at least a strong possibility/probability). 

Nope.  Leftists have it all over conservatives as far as irrational HATE is concerned.  The New Yorker cartoon is actually an example--MEANT to DISTORT conseervative criticisms of Barack Obama.

P.S.  No, I don't think conservatives/right wingers should be portraying Barack Obama as a Muslim, although I have no problem with mentioning his actual NAME (Barack Hussein Obama).  There is no need to try to smear Obama with false allegations.  The real ones are damaging enough.  Of course, there is also no need to be AFRAID of being called "racist" for criticizing Obama.  Few people who have ever run for the Presidency deserve criticism as much as Obama, and he will continue to get it here.

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