Monday, July 14, 2008

John McCain, Iran and Cigarettes: Making the Right Enemies

As you know, if you read this blog for any length of time, one of my many problems with John McCain is that he seems to have a talent for considering the WRONG people his enemies (before we actually were).  McCain has seemed to relish--enjoy--jumping on conservatives at every opportunity, with more enthusiasm than he ever criticizes Democrats or leftists.  McCain's recent raction to the "inartful" (to use Obama's description in "distancing" himself from the attack by Obama surrogate, Wesley Clark, on McCain's military record) comments of Phil Gramm about "whiners" is the most recent example. 

Today, that has changed.  McCain has made an enemy of IRAN.  This is, for once, the RIGHT ENEMY to be making.  In fact, even though I correctly state below that IRan has virtually endorsed Barack Obama, you might wonder if Iran is actually working to ELECT John McCain as President.

Yep.  A Reuters story featured (rather briefly) on AOL this morning was to the effect taht IRAN had "condemned candidate McCain for making a joke about us sending cigarettes to Iran (see below for what triggered the "joke").  (Make up your own joke, by the way, as to us sending cigarettes to Iran.  It is surely to be more "offensive" than what McCain came up with, and LESS "offensive" that the "news" media trying to make a big deal about the cigarette trade with Iran in the first place--see below).

Ask yourself:  Does it help or hurt a Presidential candidate to be "condemned" by Iran?  Now that Iran is virtually endorsing Barack Obama for President, should that cause voters to vote for McCain or Obama?  The best thing McCains has done recently is provoke Iran to "anger".  You can't have a more hate filled leadership than what Iran already has, and one of Obama's early gaffes was to suggest that he would sit down and "talk" to those people, without pre-conditions, as soon as he becomes President--as if our problems with Iran were merely a matter of "communication", instead of Ahmadinejad being the humand monter that he is.

McCain's joke, of course, was the only natural reaction (not to mentioin rational reaction) to the "news" story from the anti-American, despicable Associated Press (and rest of mainstream media) that our trade with Iran had increased tenfold under the Bush Administration, with CIGARETTES the big item.  The "news" media meant to suggest that was "hypocrisy" on the part of the Bush Administration (as if THEY were dealing in cigarettes), when a more rational (if still irrational) view is that the cigarette trade is merely an extension of our sanctions against Iran, in a different form (trying to kill off the evil leadership with cigarettes). 

The real "hypocrisy" here, of course, is General Electric, NBC and MSNBC (GE owns NBC and MSNBC).  General Electric, through FOREIGN subsidiaries, has evaded U.S. sanctions and traded critical items to Iran that could be used against the U.S. and our troops.  In other words, it would be MCUH better if GE were dealing in cigarettes.

McCain was right to laugh at this story of our trade in cigarettes with Iran.  In a way, that kind of joke is as much at the expense of the "news" media as it is a slap at Iran. 

Doesn't matter.  Iran is one of the RIGHT enemies for McCain to be making.  Will this inspire him to further efforts to make the right enemies, or will he return to bashing conseratives?  With McCain, it is best not to hope for too much.  You have to accept small positives.

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