Friday, July 18, 2008

English Speaking Drivers

This is a new fact for me:  25,230 people were given ticketsl last year for failing to speak English well enough to talk to police officers effectively in English.

Yes, I can see why you are surprised that there is a SANE law out there.  But there is.  Under Federal law, drivers with a commercial driver's license are REQUIRED to speak English well enough to communicate with law enforcement officers.

I know why you are surprised, and why I was surprised.  Most states (according to the "anti-American, despicable AP"--making it somehwat suspect, if you did not know it to be true) allow commercial driver applicants, including bus (school bus?) drivers, to take part or all of their driver's test in Spanish.

It goes without saying that most states allow ordinary drivers to tatke their driver's test in Spanish.

However, be comforted.  Barack Obama says they WILL learn English, and that you should worry more about your children learning SPANISH.  Aside:  Barack "Spanish" Obama? (see previous entry). 

Of course, MANY states print BALLOTS in Spanish, English and sometimes other languages.  But you have to "trust" (lol) Obama.  They WILL learn English.  Concentrate on your children learning Spanish.  They WILL need it.  I know.  I live in El Paso.

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