Tuesday, July 22, 2008

CNN: Racists

See previous entry.  Then consider this excerpt from a present story on CNN.com (nope, I NEVER go there, but went there today BECAUSE of the previous entry):

<P _extended="true">"But there are others who warn that an Obama presidency could hurt African-Americans. They say that an Obama victory could cause white Americans to ignore entrenched racial divisions while claiming that America has reached the racial Promised Land."

<P _extended="true">Notice how the above confirms everything I said in the previous entry about leftists, and the mainstream media, being the majority of the true racists in this country today.  What is the essence of racism?  It is treating people as defined by the racial GROUP to which they belong, rather than as individuals.

<P _extended="true">The above treats this country as all about "whites" vs. "blacks", with the Federal Governmnent responsible for making it up to the VICTIMS of "white" racism which never ends--even if a black man is nominated for President, or even if he becomes President.  Note that the above suggests that WHITE AMERICANS may "ignore" "entrenched racial divisions" (like Reverend Wright's church are creating and/or perpetuating?).  Translation:  Racist leftists want to continue to treat African-Americans as VICTIMS until the end of time, even if that means  undermining the INDIVIDULAS who are black/African-American.

<P _extended="true">Notice one of the effects of considering this a matter of white vs. black.  Does this mean that HALF of Barack Obama is OPPRESSING the other half, and/or should be GUILTY for what that half did to the other half?  This conflict within Barack Obama might actually explain a lot. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CNN’s subtle black bashing has increased. If you view the CNN website on a daily basis there is usually a pejorative report about blacks in the top headlines. Out of so many other things that CNN could report about, I found it bizarre that there were so many black vs. white headlines. I felt as if I had gone back in time 50 years. Apparently I am not alone and many people have been complaining to CNN. It is subversively black bashing and no one notices:

“ellesgee, no this is not the first time this made the news, but apparently CNN is on a role with pejorative headlines about “blacks” in the U.S. it does not take a genius to link the sudden reports of the “horribleness and weirdness of black america” as a counterbalance to obama’s potential positive effect on the image and morale of “blacks” in the U.S. intentional or not, CNN is not taking responsibility for what and how it reports “facts”. the recent reports have been monitored and documented, the proper media appropriateness authorities have been notified, and abc is putting together a report to bring this issue to light. turn off CNN.”