Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Global Warming HARM

Some people (who are trying to DEICEIVE, and I include Doug Stephan and Bill O'Reilly in that group, as well as almost ALL "environmentalists) try to "finesse" the "global warming " argument by suggesting that it does no harm to assume that "global warming" is a real danger.  There is no greater threat to the economic, and often acutal lives, of people on this Earth than THOSE PEOPLE (when combined with the fraud of "global warming" iteself  This blog has already discussed how biofuels may well constitute a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY--more worthy of Nuremberg style trials with environmentalists in the dock than anything President Bush has done in Iraq. 

There is no greater threat to the economic well being of Americans, and people of the world, than the people pushing "global warming" (not the "global warming" itself).  All you have to do is consider the price of gasoline, and the insanity of Harry Reid (see earlie entry today) to realize that.  Then there are the people intending to PROFIT off of the scam of "global warming", like the INSURANCE COMPANIES.  Here is the lead paragraph of a story presently linked on Drudge:

"Scientists say the jury is still out on whether rising sea temperatures will cause more hurricanes to hit U.S. coastlines. Yet some insurance companies are boosting premiums based on assumptions that they will. Others are withdrawing from coastal communities altogether."

Now, if you read this blog, you know that "sea temperatures" (according to NASA robots) have NOT risen for the past 5 years, and are projected by many scientists to COOL over the NEXT five years.  I will not argue if you were to tell me that GREED is behind the urge to raise premiums by insurance companies.  However, can you reallyu call insurance companies on that if Al Gore, the patron saint of "global warming" is telling everyone that we will have more hurricanes?  Can you really call insurance companies on this when almost EVERY "establishment" politician and mainstream media organization is a devotee of the RELIGION of "global warming". 

Yet, a person like Bill O'Reilly can tell you with a straight face that the concept of "global warming" does no harm.  HOGWASH.

As stated, there is NO more harmful concept in current thought than this utter fraud  It carries the threat to destroy us, and KILL BILLIONS of people around the world. 

Some things anger me, and this utterly FALSE argument that belief in "global warming" can do no harm is one of those things than angers me the most.

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