Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Race and the Anti-American Media (Continued, Featuring AOL and the Anti-American Racist AP)

See yesterday's entries exposing the racism of the mainstream media, especially the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press (always use complete, official name the first time).  Yes, it remains true that the majority of true racists in our society today are leftists.  Here is yet another anti-military, anti-American, essentially racist story from the AP, featured on AOL today:

"Sixty years after President Truman desegregated the military, senior black officers are still rare, particularly among the highest ranks.
Blacks make up about 17 percent of the total force, yet just 9 percent of all officers. That fraction falls to less than 6 percent for general officers with one to four stars, according to data obtained and analyzed by The Associated Press."
As I have illustrated previously, using AP and mainstream media stories as an example, there are "lies, damn lies, and statistics" (in quotes, because I did not make it up).  See, for example, my proof yesterday taht polls as to "whites" favoring Barack "Spanish" Obama, even if accurate, do NOT provide ANY evidence taht the CANDIDATE'S race is a factor (as distinguished from his position as a leftist Democrat).
The above quoted AP "lead" is from another one of those "AP IMPACT stories.  As I have shown you before, whenever you see that, you should hold your wallet and your nose.  You are about to be subjected to anti-American propaganda of the most virulent and indefensible kind--usually blatant anti-American military propaganda.
First, is it RACIST to suggest that African-Americans, AS A GROUP, should be entitled to the exact same percentage of officers as their percentage in the enlisted ranks?  Of course it is.  I have already established that the AP is a RACIST organization (as well as anti-American and despicable).  WHY should individuals in the army have GROUP rights based on their race?  That, of coures, is QUOTA thinking, and RACIST.  But it gets WORSE.  I can hear leftists thinking (I know them as well as I know every inch of my glorious, naked body--yes, I stole the line from Rush Limbaugh, but it is still true).  It shows discrimination that the numbers are so disparate.
No, it doesn't (you fools should learn to stop doubting me, especially where the hopeless AP is concerned.  African-Americans are approximately 10-11% of the population.  Compare that with the numbers the AP has MANUFACTURED (in the sense of suggesting they have a significance they don't have) above, and the numbers don't appear out of line.  The real story here--the PRO-AMERICAN PRO-MILITARY story that the AP will never tell--is that African-Americans have SIGNIFICANT opportunity in the military--probably more than they have (by the numbers) in most areas of American society. 
Nope.  It is NOT significant that African-Americans make up 17% of all military personnel, unless you are a LEFTIST RACIST wanting entitlements to depend on a person's race, regardless of logic or reality.  I am not sure I know what the right number is, but 17% is OBVIOUSLY the WRONG number to use for comparison purposes.  It is using statistics to LIE, and the AP does this consistently to promote an anti-military and anti-American agenda. 
How do you become an officer?  Well, the easiest way is to go to West Point.   Does the AP cite the percentage of African-Americans GRADUATING from West Point?  Not on your life.  It does not even matter if the AP were to mention it later in the story, because the relevant PERCENTAGE reverts to the 10 or 11%, and NOT to the 17%.  WHY should African-Americans admitted to--much less graduating from--West Point (and other service academies) be more than the number of African-Americans in the general population?  There is NO relationship between being qualified to enlist in the army (basically high school diploma and no serious criminal record) and being qualified to go to West Point or the Naval Academy or the Air Force Academy.  Even for OCS (officer's candidate school), more education, and "higher" qualifications than a high school diploma, presumably matter. 
Now, in other contexts, leftists like John Kerry and Stephen King have suggested that STUPID people join the military as enlisted men (cannon fodder).  Is THIS racist? Of course it is, using the AP's own 17% statistic. 
However, what if you are a poor, African-American teenager with only a high school education, and looking at so many of your friends in jail or in the drug trade (as user and/or seller)?  What if you are such a teenager from a rural area in Mississippi with no prospect of going to college, and needing a decent job to help support the mother who raised you?  What is the SMART thing for you to do--especially if you are patriotic and not afraid of fighting for your country?
Right. For everyone but the anti-American AP, and similar leftists, the SMART thing for such a black teenager to do is join the military, if that teenager is not in a position to end up in Harvard or Princeton (like Barack "Spanish" Obama and his wife).  Most of those African-American teenagers are not in a position to go to West Point, or even become officers (although those like Colin Powell and the others the AP dismisses so lightly show that the opportunity exists).  Such poor, black teenagers can still join the army and have a GREAT LIFE.  They can even use the army to get an education to obtain a better civilian job.  I went to law school on the G. I. Bill.  And there are educational opportunities in the military itself.  That 17% figure shows that African-Americans who may not expect to be officers correctly see the military as an OPPORTUNITY.  That is a GOOD thing--not a bad thing.
I know that leftists look at his as using "minorities" as cannon fodder to fight for "white" America.  That tells you more about THEM than it does about anything else.
Doesn't it at least show that America is a racist society that so many Afircan-Americans find their best opportunity in the military?  Not exactly.  It shows that there are more POOR African-Americans, and African-Americans with, for example, a single mother parent.  That MAY be the result of PAST racism, but it hardly shows that America is now a "racist society" (unless, of course, you are the anti-American AP with a RACIST attitude yourself).
It is a FINE thing that African-Americans make up 17% of the military.  It is a FINE thing that they perceive the military as a way to both serve their country and gain a better life for themselves.  It is a FINE thing that 8% of officers are African-Americans--very close to the African-Americans in the general population. It is a FINE thing that 6% of "command" officers are African-American.  You know what the finest thing about all of those statistics:  It is that those INDIVIDUALS have not let their race hold them back from having a good life.  I would guess, from my own experience in the military, that most of them do not regard themselves as BLACK SOLDIERS, but simply as SOLDIERS.
The statistics cited by the AP do not even come close to showing discrimination.  Rather, seen correctly, they tend to show that the military gives a BETTER opportunity to Arican-Americans than they otherwise might have.  It does the same thing for a poor, WHITE kid from Mississippi, who has no chance to go to college.  Yes, officers are going to have a different background than enlisted men  A more relevant statistic would be the percentage of various enlisted grades (E-4, E-5, E-6, E-7, E-8, etc.) who are African-Americans.  If you are going to use statistics to try to bootstrap to GROUP RIGHTS, at least compare apples and apples, instead of apples and oranges. 
However, the AP is not interested in fairness or accuracy.  It is interested in anti-military and anti-American propaganda.
P.S. Yes, you might ask what percentage of TOP MANAGEMENT among those racist, sanctimonious hypocrites are African-American.  But then you have to ask yourself what it would mean if a high percentage were African-American.  I would hate to think that so many African-Americans would be directing the policies of the ANTI-AMERICAN Associated Press.   As reflected by the percentage in the military, African-Americans seem to be more patriotic than that;  and they should be BETTER than that (as should every American).  If you work for the AP, you are both DUMB and ANTI-AMERICAN.  You are hardly a credit to yourself or race (As  if people should think of things that way.  How many "white" people think of whether they are a "credit to their race"?)  if you work for the despicable AP.

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