Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bill O'Reilly: Pinhead (as Demcrats ROOT for High Gasoline Prices)

I have previously exposed the insanity of leftist Democrats in this blog.  There is the overall insanity of treating every FAILURE of the Federal Government as a signal that we need MORE Federal Government to solve every problem (one definition of insanity:  doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result).
That overall insanity leads to specific insanities.  What is the "answer" of leftists Democrats to the transparently evident for us to produce more domestic OIL?  You may, like me, still not believe it.  Their "answer" is that increased drilling for oil (offshore and ANWR--not to mention oil shale in the West) will not produce more oil for 5 to 10 years (probably incorrect, unless leftist Democrats make it correct by OBSTRUCTING new drilling at every turn). 
Where were leftist Democrats 10 years and more ago?  Right.   They were OPPOSING domestic drilling (Clinton VETOED a bill passed by Congress allowing drilling in ANWR somewhere around 1996). 
It gets worse.  Obama (I HEARD him) proposed a "plan" of alternative energy that would reduce our foreign oil imports to 35% of our needs, instead of the present 70%.  HOW can you believe insanity on this level?   So we should not develop domestic oil production, even at the cost of MINOR additional environmental risk, because it may not produce more oil for 5 years, when Obama is PLANNING on us still needing foreign oil in the year 2030.  That IS insanity.  There is NO excuse for failing to LET oil companies develop domestic oil resources (at no cost to the taxpayer at all).  Every barrel of oil we produce domestically is a barrel we do not have to import, and NO ONE is saying that we will not still be importing oil 10 years from now (22 years from now, in 2030, if you believe Obama). 
WHY are Democrats attempting such an obvious deception, to the point of insanity, as to drilling for oil?  Well, it is partially politics.  "We don't care if events have made it obvious that we must take SOME risk, if necessary, in order to produce more oil;  it is a Republican idea and therefore we have to be against it."  Further, leftist Democrats, who would prefer to see the country suffer than another Republican as President, think this way:  "WHY should we help President Bush do anything about oil and gasoline prices, when people are likely to turn to us because they are HURING."
However, the main reason here is CENTRAL PLANNING, Big Government, and keeping the country heading down a socialistic road.  Leftist Democrats--many of them, anyway--could care less if "global warming" is real.  For them, "global warming" is a TOOL to get leftist policies enacted, and to use to speed up the process of the Federal Government taking over our lives.  If the Federal Government can tell you what kind of car you can drive, and impose impossible burdens on our economy that require more and more Federal action just to try to deal with the consequences, then we will be beyond the point of no return (we may be already, but I think not quite).  That is what leftists WANT.  They WANT us to have to rely on the Federal Government for everything.  If you have the government taking over energy (used in EVERY industry, really) AND health care, there really is little left of a FREE economy.  Freedom is gone.
Bill O'Reilly (bet you thought I would never get to the PINHEAD) wants exactly that.  Don't believe me (you fool!!!), listen to him.  He is specifically saying that we can't afford a free economy in energy--that it is a matter of national security.  That CENTRAL PLANNER (should I call him a disciple of Lysenko--the Communist biologist known for Lysenkoism?), T. Boone Pickens is out there saying the same thing, but with HIS central planning "solution" using TAXPAYER money.  Bill O'Reilly has his own MANDATED "solutions" (not the same as those of Pickens).  Like my younger daughter, and leftist Democrats one and all, what O'Reilly really wants is to be KING OF THE WORLD, where everyone has to do what he says.  O'Reilly says he does not believe in a free market, and he does not.  He says he is not a conservative, and you can absolutely believe him.
He proved it again last night.  See my entry on Tuesday PRAISING (correctly) President Bush for saying that it would be "presumptuous" for him to DEMAND that the American people conserve energy in specific ways, when price alone is making them conserve in the way that is most appropriate for each of them.  As I said, this is a matter of FREEDOM.  To O'Reilly, freedom is irrelevant when his EGO is involved (he knows best).  That iswhy O'Reilly is, and forever shall be, a PINHEAD (despite being a source of some information you can't get anywhere else).  O'Reilly also wants to MANDATE "flex-fuel" vehicles (as Pickens wants to MANDATE and SUBSIDIZE solar power, wind power and natural gas vehicles).  This is exactly what leftist Democrats want:  to turn this debate into a debate on HOW (not whether) the Federal Government takes over.  Remember, Congress has already MANDATED only florescent light bulbs by 2012 (when we COULD have oil drilling and development gushing oil in the United States). 
You can go back to my entry on Harry Reid (the one where the blog cartoonist, Kenda, did a cartoon of Reid guarding the gates of Heaven and sending all cars to Hell).  I could never make this stuff up.  I HEARD Reid call oil "drity stuff" "better left in the ground".  That is the dirty little secret here.  Democrats (of the leftist, politician kind) do not WANT the price of oil to DROP.  They WANT the price of gasoline to remain high to facilitate a CENTRAL PLANNING takeover of this country.  Some, of course, really want to sacrifice the country on the alter of the "global warming" religion.  Others are just using that as an excuse to impose the discredited (by history) CENTRAL PLANNING religion.
But didn't I say in my blog entry on Tuesday that President Bush was only half right, because we need to "conserve".  Not exactly.  You need to read more carefully.  What I SAID was that the GOPVERNMENT needs to conserve to show everyone (including China and India) that we are SERIOUS about dropping oil prices.  If you combine that with an AGGRESSIVE drilling and domestic oil development program, it sends a MESSAGE to the whole world (including those "speculators and China and India).  It also allows the government to LEAD by EXAMPLE (rather than central planning coercion). 
The idea is to nudge the free market into operation.  What happens if oil producing countries GET SCARED that they will be selling their oil for 10 dollars a barrel (could happen) five years from now?  Right.  You could have oil FLOODING the market, as oil producers try to sell their oil before the prices drop.  What will happen to speculators should not happen to a dog.  And we will probably have BANKS (greedy banks making questionable "energy loans" during THAT "bubble"). 
Ah, but what will happen to Bill O'Reilly and T. Boone Pickens--not to mention those central planning, leftist successors of Karl Marx?  Right again.  They will be LEFT OUT IN THE COLD.  That is why leftists WANT gasoline prices to stay high.  If the oil "bubble" bursts (because there is enough oil in the world), Americans (FREEDOM) will go back to their SUV's and use of oil--still, BY FAR, the cheapest and most efficient fuel in the world, which is why India and China are gobbling it up.
Dirty little secret no. 2:  We CAN'T  "conserve our way" out of the gasoline price problem (certainly not as easily as we can DRILL our way out of it, or "oil shale" our way out of it).  There are 4 or 5 cars per thousand people in China.  It is similarly low in India and other parts of the world (South America) growing in population.  The U.S. has 750 cars per thousand people.  OUR use of gasoline has gone DOWN.  The use of oil by India and China not only has gone up:  It will CONTINUE to go up (no matter what we do).  It will go UP faster than our sue can go DOWN.  We have NO CHOICE but to "drill our way out of this problem" (or at least put enough pressure on oil producing companies to force THEM to drill our way out of this problem.  In the near future (next 10 to 20 years), the demand for oil is going to go UP.
As I said, leftist Democrats are INSANE not to recognize this.  That is, they are insane, UNLESS you realize that they don't WANT lower gasoline prices.
Meanwhile, Bill O'Reilly remains a PINHEAD whose real desire is to rule the world and tell people what to do.

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