Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama: "Nuts" To You (Pun Intended)

Jesse Jackson has always been a fraud preying upon African-American "victimization"--treating African-Americans as "victims" who need Jesse Jackson to speak for them.  At the same time, people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have played up white "guilt" to BLACKMAIL the lily white left, AND political establishment, into funding them. In other words, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton DEPEND upon African-Americans being kept "victims", and upon THEMSELVES being recognized as spokesmen for these victims, for their own (Jesse Jackson's, et. al.) power, influence and MONEY.  Jesse Jackson has long BLACKMAILED corporations, and others, to contribute money to his oranizations as essentially "protection" money (give me money and I won't go after you--using my media friends).
Am I saying anything everyone does not know.  Of course not.  The emperor has no clothes.  But the MEDIA has been BLACKMAINED (willingly, for the most part), like the others, to let people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get away with it.  To say the media in this country has no courage, where Jesse Jackson is concerned, is an understatement.
It has always been true that Barack Obama represents a THREAT to the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's of the country.  If he succeeds, their position as self-appointed spokespersons for African-Americans disappears.
Well, Jesse Jackson has made all of this even more obvious, although the mainstream media is circling the wagons to TRY to protect him.  Jesse Jackson exposed his real bitterness to an open mike, in what the mainstream media insists on calling a "private" conversation (Dog, the Bounty Hunger, would have KILLED for this kind of understanding of his own "private" conversation which the media quoted over and over again, to destroy his new career as a TV figure).   Jesse Jackson did not only accuse Barack Obama of "talking down" to black people (in his "lectures" on fatherhood and faith based programs).  Jackson is ON TAPE saying that he wants to cut off Barack Obama's n...s (testicles). 
Now the mainstream media is DOWNPLAYING what Jackson actually SAID (you can hardly find out from the story from the "anti-American despicable Associated Press"--always use the complete, official name in the first reference--now featured on AOL).  In context, what Jackson actually said is WORSE than I have indicated here.  Rather, the mainstream media is focusing on JACKSON'S "explanation" and "apology"--allowing Jackson to get away with saying he does not "remember" what he said, and that is not "important" in comparison to the "real issues" upon which Obama a he agree.  Consider whether the media with let Christian Right religious figures like James Dobson get away with that!!!!!
Nope.  Jackson is a complete and utter hypocrite and fraud.  This does not "reveal" that.  It merely confirms it.  Jackson had become part of the Obama campaign simply to protect his own POWER and influence--NOT because he believes in Obama.  You just don't say this kind of thing, in "private" or not, about someone who you LIKE.   The Jackson/media attempt to spin it any other way merely compounds the magnitude of the hypcrisy/dishonesty going on here.
Barack Obama and Jesse Jackson do have something in common.  Their public face has NOTHING to do with who either of them really is.  Obama revealed that in San Francisco, and in his continuing  willingness to say ANYTHING--even if it contradicts what he said or did YESTERDAY--to gain more POWER.
Now a real cynic (I am guilty as charged, although I don't think that even Obama is quite THIS good at manipulation, manipulaltive as I think he is) might suggest that Obama arranged all of this (without Jackson's knowledge) to make OBAMA look GOOD. Does it help or hurt Obama to reveal what Jackson really thinks about him?  Hard to say, but there is at least a reasonable case that the voters that Obama NEEDS would prefer to believe that Obama is separate from all of those "old" black "leaders"--a "post-racial" figure.  How anyone could believe that, after Obama's TWENTY YEAR association with Reverend Wright--who is at least as bad as Jesse Jackson, and maybe worse, is beyond me.  But just as the media is willing to go with Jackson's "explanatioin", rather than concentrate of the TAPE of what he actually SAD, the media is constantly willing to go with what Obama SAYS today, as if the world were freshly minted and new as of yesterday.
As I have said repeatedly, we (as a society) deserve what we get. If Jackson's "credibility" (as either a black "leader" or political figure) survives this, then we deserve it.  If the totally unqualified, and equally (to Jesse Jackson) nothing more than a manufactured, public facade candidate named Barack Obama becomes President of the Untied States, we deserve the consequences of that as well. 
As I have said before, my HOPE is that conservatives will be there to pick up the pieces.  The reason I can't actually VOTE for Barack Obama is that I am not sure the country will SURVIVE (as we know it) an Obama Presidency for there to be any pieces to pick up.
P.S.  About that heading above.  "Nuts" is NOT necessarily a "bad" word.  It is the word the commander of Bastogne used in response to the Nazi demand to surrender at the Battle of the Bulge.  In the form Jesse Jackson used it, however, it is being "bleeped" outt of the few media outlets actually playnig this TAPE.  What is clear, of course, is that to use the word in the context of suggesting CASTRATION is NOT something you usually do if yoiu LIKE the person.   Unlike some "affectionate" insults, this one is SERIOUS.  There is no way to suggest that Jesse Jackson can say something like this, and then turn around and say that he truly believes that Barack Obama is a great man.

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