Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Barack Obama: Condemning Jeremiah Wright (and Obama Hiself, by Implicaton)

I break into my series on the eviolustion of "global warming" for "breaking news". 

Yes, Barack Obama has ENDORSED this blog's view of Jeremiah Wright (although I am sure that was not his main motive).  Throwing Reverend Wright under the bus does not even come close to describing what Obama said today. 

Obama has now totally rejected Reverend Wright--totally rejecting the "world view" that Obama says he never really saw before (in 20 years!!!).  Obama said that the Reverend Wright he saw yesterday was not the same Reverend Wright that he saw 20 years ago.  In fact, he went so far as to say that Reverend Wright does not understand Obama (seemingly referring to the idea that Reverend Wright was suggesting that Obama had disassociated himself from Wright's views as a matter of political posturing), and that Obama is no longer sure that he ever understood Reverend Wright.

In short, Obama says that the view of Reverend Wright he has seen over the last day or so "appalls" him.  Obama specifically referred to Wright's repeated allegations that he sees no reason not to believe that the U.S. government would spread AIDS, because he thinks the U.S. govenment is capable of anythiing.  Now many leftists have said that about the BUSH ADMINSTRATION.  Wright, however, made it clear that he was referring to the United States under EVERY ADMINISTRATION--Wright again making it crystal clear that he considers the United States of America as the major source of evil in the world.

Question:  Now that Oama has confirmed the obvious about Reverend Wright (he is an appalling, anti-American hate monger), what do leftists who defended Wright think of Obama?

Early indications are that the "Obama Syndrome" is in full operation (see yesterday's entries).  Early indications are that leftists are willing to get with the new Obama party line that he has NOW shown "courage" and "leadership" by denouncing Reverend Wright--the idea that present words trump 20 years of words and actions.

Could Obama have not known about Reverend Wright over 20 years?  Don't be ridiculous.  That alone, if true, would disqualify Obama from being President of the United States (no insight or judgment at all).  Obama specifically mentioned Farrakhan, and how Wright's praise of Farrakhan was indefnsible. 

Wright's church have Farrakhan an AWARD last year.  Wright took a trip with Farrakhan last year to Syria.  Wright as made it consistently clear that he regards Farrakhan as a great man.  How could it be possible that Obama did not know that?  It is not possible, just like it is nor reasonably possible for Obama not to have a good idea of the overall attitudes of Reverend Wright over these 20 years.

Yes, this blog has been confirmed to be correct (again) as to everything I have said about both Obama and Reverend Wright.  It has always been obvious that Reverned Wright is an anti-American hate monger who cannot be denfended.  And how can you defend Barack Obama ENDORSING that hate moner over 20 years--thereby exposting his daughters (and black children everywhere) to the type of hate speech to which Obama has said he does not want his daughters exposed (in connection with the MUCH less offensive comments of Don Imus).

Q.E.D.  Reverend Wright has destroyed the Presidential campaign, and maybe the Presidential aspirations, of Barack Obama.  Not content with that, Reverend Wright--yesterday--equeated himself (the arrogance of the man is breathtaking, and its reflection in Barack Obama is another disturbing thing) with the "black church" in America--suggesting that attacks on Jeremiah Wright are attacks on "the" "black church" in America.  Forget whether how disturbing this concept of "the" black church in America is, in the context of Reverned Wright's world view of separate worlds of black virtue and white oppressors.   Not content with destroying Barack Obama's political campaign, Reverend Wright has set himself the task of destroying black churches in America.  The guy is an arrogant, hate montering, loon. 

In fact (I can dream) has not Reverned Wright gone a long way toward destroying the lunatic leftists willing to defend him (this would include CNN and MSNBC, if they had not been destroyed long ago by their own lack of jouranistic integrity, not to mention no audience).  Has not Obama himself condemned those leftists will to buy into the anti-American hate speech of Reverend Wright?

All in all, this has been one of the more hopeful days I have had in recent years (as to the political situatin in this country).  In fact, it has been one of the more hopeful two months.  If only McCain were not out there still threatening to spoil it all!!!!! 

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