Saturday, April 26, 2008

Global Warming: The Propaganda Never Ends

With the actual evidence in support of "global wraming" deterirating daily, the propaganda has become pathetic.  Today's propaganda story featured on AOL is about how additional marine mammals, besides the polar bear, are "threatened" by arctic "warming"-an article from one of these "ecological" "science" journals that is little more than a popaganda outlet itelef (despite the attempt to oscure this in the mainstream media propaganda article itself by saying that the "study" was "peer reviewed"--meaning "peer reviewed" by people committed to the "global warming" religion).  Note how the story assumes someting which is almost surely not true:  that polar bears are presently threatened by "global warming":  the photos of stranded polar bears on floating ice having been shown to be essentially a lie--resulting from a severe storm rather than "climate change" breaking up the ice.

The propaganda just never ends.  Forget that the polar bear thing has pretty much been exposed as a HOAX.  Forget that the most recent warming cycle in the arctic was indentified by NASA as being mainly caused by a natural, long term CYCLE in ocean CURRENTS. 

The key propaganda here is in the phrase "as the Earth warms".  The EVIDENCE is that the Earth has STOPPED warming (from any cause--natural or from man's activities).  The Earth has NOT "warmed" since 1998 (almost a decade now).  The U.N. climate agency has indicated that this year will be COOLER because of ocean currents (those pesky ocean currents again).  NASA meansurements from 3 THOUSAND robotic devices have shown that the Earth's oceans have NOT warmed in at least 4 years (the Earth absolutely cannot warm without the ocenas warming).   Some Canadian scientists are studying whether we are about to enter a COOLING phase of the Earth because of reduced activity in the SUN.

Have greenhouse gas emissions gone DOWN, or even stayed the same, over recent years?  Don't be silly.   Thus, the fact that "global warming" appears to have STOPPED totally DISCREDITS the whole "theory".

See the archives of this blog for the multiple entries supporting the facts referred to above, including recent stories noting the key point:  The global warming (there never has been a consistent U.S. warming) that began in 1970 (after abut 30 years of global COOLING) has ENDED, as of almost a decade ago.

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