Thursday, April 3, 2008

Border Fence: Environmentalist War Against the U.S.A. Continued

see the entry in this blog this week entitled "Mexico:  a Failed Country", where I again reported on the out of control DRUG WAR going on along the Mexican border (with MURDERS in the hundreds for this year alone).

Now let us segue to the BORDER FENCE, which is supposed to help control our border with Mexico--someting that is becoming more crucial every day.

What do ENVORONMENTALISTS have to do with that fence?  Well, in any rational world:  NOT MUCH.  After all, all of these drug smugglers, and illegal immigrants, are an environmental DISASTER.  You miss the point.  Environmentallists are generously LEFTIST, who USE (along with allied leftists who may not even care much about the environment).  The LEFTIST goal here is an open border.  Leftists have been trying to USE all of these "environmental impact" statements" required by law, and all of these multiple laws that are being used around the coutry to stop oil refinieries or ANY large project, to STOP or DELAY the border fence.

This is the dirty little secret:  Environmentalists (activist type)  are generally anti-capitalist leftists whose goals go well beyond reasonable efforts to protect the environment.  That is why they have jumped on "global warming".  That is just another means of pushing a LEFTIST agenda.   Thus, the price of almost everything, including food, energy, lumber, etc. is raised by leftists policies pushed by these environmentalists.  This is the environmentalist war against humanity referenced in several entries in this blog over the past few days.

The enviromentalist war against the United States is a part of their larger war against humanity.  In fact, being leftists, most activist environmentalists consider the United States as the MAIN source of evil in the world.

We are back to the leftist effort to STOP border security.  They have been attempting to STOP the border fence, as leftists do NOT believe in "border security".   They wanted to use multiple environmental laws as a TOOL to do that:  exposing that the multiple environmental laws are, in fact, regarded by leftists as a TOOL to advance their political agenda, whether the actual issue involved has much to do with the environment or not. 

Problem:  Congress empowered Homeland Security to WAIVE various of these laws, in the interest of national security.  Homeland Security has now done so to enable the border fence to proceed.  Exposing their agenda, the various leftist groups opposing the border fence are OUTRAGED.

Q.E.D.  Environmentalists (of the leftist kind) ARE conducting a war against the United States, and ARE routinely trying to use environmental laws more to advance a LEFTIST agenda than to go after clear dangers to the environment.

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