Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Chicago or Iraq: Which Is the WORSE War Zone

Predictably, the tragic news that 47 Americans have died in Iraq in April, which is the most in 6 months,  is the BIG NEWS today for the despicable Associated Press.  The despicable AP, of course, has routinely ignored GOOD news out of IRaq.  This number is still considerably lower than before the successful troop surge in IRaq, even though it certainly is not good news. 

What other war zones have we heard about lately?  Well, there is Afghanistan, of course, where the taliban is attempting to escalate the violence.  But there is somewhere else................  Oh yeah.  CHICAGO.  In fact, just in the last day I have heard Chicago referred to as a war zone.

The question is:  Did more Americans die violently (not even counting traffic accidnets, or other violent deaths, but only murders) in Iraq in April or in CHICAGO (Obam'a s home city, where he has obviously put in practice his preaching of brotherhood and unity). 

Three Americans evidently (and sadly) died violently in Iraq yesterday.  But, then again, at least three people were murdered in Chicago, as well (three bodies being found dead on the streets, and I think that is even apart from ordinary, domestic murders or bar fights, as war between "gang bangers" continues on the streets of Chicago).

I am still waiting for Obama, and other leftists, to demand a "timetable" for our withdrawal from CHICAGO (where the police are now insisting upon carrying automatic weapons--can armored vehicles and full body armor be far behind, as I am sure they are alreday using bullet proof vests).


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