Saturday, April 19, 2008

Yale and Aliza Shvarts: WINNNERS of the Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate

It is time for the weekly award of the Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate (the reincarnation of the old "Laugh In" award represented by a statuette of an INDEX finger).

There was no contest.  This week's runaway winners were Yale and Aliza Shvarts.  See the earlier entry this wee entitled "Abortion and Evil at Yale".

Now some might quibble that Yale is not responsible for the monstours "art project" of Aliza Shvarts.  In the grand tradition of previous scientest winners of the coveted "Finger", who won for creating hybrid COW/HUMAN embryoes, Shvarts took the meaning of "monster" to a new level--in an excursion into hyper-evil.  She "made a statement" ("I am a monster" being the statement)  by artificially inseminating herself as often as ppossible, for six months, while taking abortion inducing drugs to induce miscarriages--while documenting same as an ART PROJECT.  It could be argued that Yale was not responsible for this monstrous act by one student.

I don't buy it.  Surely, this "project" had to have some sanction and approval.  More importantly, there is absolutely no doubt that this "project" grows out of the "culture" at Yale.  As I indicated in my previous entry, this particular story (NOT presented in a particularly condemning way by the Yale Daily News) makes one yearn for the God of Sodom and Gomorrah to CLEAN HOUSE AT YALE.  It might be a considerable challenge for God to find a single person at Yale worthy enough to justify not destroying the whole place, and everyone in it.

Nope.  Both Yale and Shvarts are deserving winners of the weekly "Finger".

Award ceremonty:

You need to imagine here Dick Martin presenting the coveted statuette to the deserving winners by presenting it directly into the camera (I don't do vidos myself, which is why I use the Dick Martin imagery to create a virtual ceremony in the imagination):  "Yale and Ms. Shvarts, this award is for YOU.  You DESERVE it."

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