Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dan at Slapinions and My Daughters

First, now that I am back, I want to give my hearty congratulations to Dan, at slapinions, for being named an AOL guest editor last week (see comments).  I am sure he deserved it, and I don't say this just because he named this blog one of his "guest editor's picks".

Now his note, in naming me a "guest editor's pick", was not a total endorsement.  "A bit too far right, even for me for me", and "a proud part of the vast right wing conspiracy" were part of the brief note.  Still, the pick brought exposure to this blog, as Dan was well aware it would, and was a very kind thing.  That is especially true since I have not done antyhing for him.  And he did call this blog "intriguing".

How can I be part of the "vast right wing conspiracy" when I FAVOR Hillary Clinton for President.  This is not a joke.  I have promised to vote for Hillary Clinton for President, if hse is nominated (unlikely as that now seems).  And I will, as I voted for her in the Texas primary.

Now it is true that this is my own verstion of Rush Limbaugh's "operation chaos", which I came up with BEFORE Limbaugh.  I have high hopes that Hillary Clinton will be as good for conservatives as Bill Clinton, and will set back both feminists and leftist Democrats a hundred years or so.  That is why I am willing to carry "operation chaos" beyond Rush Limbaugh's campaign to sabotage Democrats to elect McCain.  I carry the sabotage idea further:  to the point of actually electing Hillary Clinton. 

Yes, the implication is that I think the country can survive Hillary Clinton as President, and even prosper.  And I do, although I could be wrong (with a Democratic Congress, instead of the partially Republican Congress that kept Bill Clinton in line).  I do NOT feel that the country can afford to take the chance with Barack Obama (although I still can't vote for McCain, and will probably vote for the libertairian candidate, although I fully expect McCain to easily win Texas anyway).

Okay.  Maybe Dan is right.  Maybe this is my own, personal, indiosyncratic "right wing conspiracy":  a conspiracy NOT to destroy the Clintons specifically, but to destroy leftism and feminism for a generation or more.  I still regret not voting for Bill Clinton (both times).  He was the best thing that has happened to conservatives since Reagan.  I am deathly afraid that John McCain may turn out t be the worst thing--even worse than the two Presidents Bush.

This brings me to my two daughters.  One, Kenda, is now a lawyer at a big time law firm in Boston (and has been so for two years now).   The other, younger,  is Kyla (see comments to yesterday's entry).  She is going to graduate from UVA law school in May, and already has a job with a big time New York City law firm.  She is married to a former mariine firefighter (a marien when she married him in Hawaii, while going to the University of Hawaii).  Of course, I am proud of them and their accomplishments.

However, they are also the SHAME of my life.  I lhave lived in the Southwest since 1960, with brief breaks in the army and for law school in Austin, Texas.  You will note that the daughters have ended up in Boston and New York.  Kenda, in fact, is already acting like she is a Bostonian born and bred.   That is the first shame.

The greater shame is that they are BOTH feminists (the worst thing I can call anyone).  Kenda voted for Hillary in Massachusetts,  and NOT because she was trying to sabotage the Democratic Party.  Kyla has been a radical feminist since HIGH SCHOOL.  WHERE did I go wrong?

What does this have to do with Dan?  Well, he emailed Kyla to ask if she were REALLY my daughter, after seeing the previous comment from Kyla (suggesting that the thought of more people reading this blog, as a result of Dan's actions, caused her to lose sleep at night).  I can actually understand Dan's confusion.  It is beyond me how I ended up with TWo feminist daughters.  It is the shame of my life. 

Dan, by the way, asked whether Kyla was joking in her "losing sleep" comment.   She assured him she was.  Now this is, of course, only partly true.  Yes, I fully understood she was joking, just as I am (sort of ) joking when I talk about the shame of raising feminists.  But only partly.  I really don't like feminism, and my daughters really do like it (not that they go with the anti-male version).  I am sure that, in many ways, they are ashamed of ME.  So, politically, it is awkward.  We do, I think, respect each other's intellectual ability. 

Hey, Kyla--the daughter who disagrees with me most violently--sent me a FRUIT BASKET because of the bad week I had last week (explaining my vacation from the usual massive number of verbose entries in this blog, which will probably now resume). 

This may not fully explain to you, or Dan, my relationship with my daughters.  However, I assure you that the personal relationship is fine.

I did want to express my appreciation for Dan's "guest editor pick" of this blog, AND my congratulations for his much more significant selection as an AOL "guest editor".  I am even flattered that he worried enough about Kyla's comment to check whether she really is my daughter.  Sometimes, that worries ME.

P.S.  No, I can't even blame their Mexican-American mother (my ex-wife), for my daughters turning out to be FEMINISTS.  Although my ex-wife would hardly endorse all of my views, she (now a successful speech therapist in the San Jose area) is more in tune with my views than my daughters--hardly a flaming feminist.   It just shows how seductive the leftist, feminist message can be.   



Anonymous said...

You're very welcome. As you know I used the 'right wing conspiracy' as an amusing segue to my blurb about your blog, nothing more. I think you *should* consider it a ringing endorsement - not of all your beliefs and stances - but of the value of the time you spend writing here. M.C. was the first under-read blog I thought of when chosen as editor.

And as I told your daughter, kids often wind up on the opposite side of the political aisle from their parents. I was raised a staunch Democrat (I cried when Mondale lost and wrote a fan letter to Ted Kennedy when I was 9) yet have never voted for anyone but a Republican when I can help it.

And like I also told her, I intend to tell my four kids that I'm a liberal. That way when they do inevitably rebel, at least I'll be driving them to the Good Side :)


btw - this was one of your better written pieces of late. I think the stress of that personal matter was coming through in your writing. Hope it was resolved to your satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

Just more rest.

I KNEW I did something wrong.   My mistake is obvious, now that Dan has pointed it out.   I should have TAUGHT my daughters that "men are scum", and force fed them on Gloria Steinem and feminist "philosophy".  

So simple.  I am even more ashamed.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You know, you could just say that you (and mama) managed to raise two independent thinkers, and leave it at that.  

My feminism in fact did not result from rebellion, but just from personal experiences.  I didn't start out with a theory of the world and try to find ways for my experiences to conform to that theory.  Rather, I let my life experiences lead me to a theory of the world, and part of that theory ended up including feminism.  The fact that I employed this method in arriving at my beliefs is, in fact, to your credit as a parent.

And as has been evidenced a few times in my comments, I do not always disagree, which is further proof that whatever I believe is not the result of a desire to rebel.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy!!!  Dan is IN TROUBLE.   He can get away with saying I am a "bit too far right", and that my writing has deteriorated, but he has stepped in it here.  Getting on the wrong side of Kyla is a BAD MISTAKE.  Saying that her politics are a result of "treenage rebellion" is one of those things that causes her to go absolutely ballistic.  And a "ballistic" Kyla is much worse than, say, a "ballistic" ME.  Last thing I heard from her about Dan was something about how she is going to "track him down".   I THINK she was kidding, and merely venting.  But, if I were Dan, I would tread carefully here.  I know Kyla better than he does.

Anonymous said...

LoL, I have no plans to track Dan down, I was just kidding around.  Nor do I take much issue with his theory of how children develop their political beliefs, I was simply opining that I do not think his theory explains my particular situation.  He and you are free to disagree.  And perhaps his theory is generally true for most, but the opposite is equally likely; that is, it is probably equally likely that children adopt the political viewpoints of their parents becuase they are the viewpoints of their parents as it is that they choose opposite viewpoints for no other reason than their parents believe certain viewpoints.

Anonymous said...

And by the way, I think I gave a very reasoned, even response in my original comment regarding your back and forth banter over how to influence your children's political beliefs.  It hardly qualifies as "baliistic."

Anonymous said...

To go from the particular to the general:  NO woman I have ever known thinks that ANY adverse theory applies to HER.  Their (women's) minds simply do not work that way.