Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Global Warming: The Scam Explained, Part I

I majored in physics at New Mexico State University.  I have considerable respect for "science".  That is one of the reasons I so despise the religion of "global warming".  In my opinion it has perverted "science",  for POLITICAL purposes, more than any recent scientific theory.  See my earlier entry on Lysenkoism, as Soviet agriculture was destroyed by a scientific theory pushed by Stalinist politics instead of the scientific method. 

"Global warming" has eerie similarities to Lysenkoism, even though it is not being imposed by a totalitarian regime.  It has been generated by a leftist ideology, basically communistic in nature.  Lysekoism KILLED millions of people (starvation), in combination with Stalin, in the Soviet Uniton.  "Globbal warming" is seeminglly in the process of doing the same thing, as the "biofuels" pushed originally by environmentalists take food out of the mouths of poor people around the world.

"Science" is NOT what "scientits" say.  In its purest form, it is a PROCESS--the scientific method.  That process is based on endless skepticism (where NOTHING is "beyond debate", as the Al Gore "global warming" fanatics have attempted to declare with "global warming".  Remember Newton's Laws of physics?  A "law", in physics, is a theory so well established that it is regarded as true (no longer a theory).   Well, it turned out that Newton's Laws were NOT the complete truth (although, in the calculus form that Newton presented them, they are true--just not the complete truth).  Enter Einstein's special theory of relativity, and you get atomic energy and a world where time if a variable thing.  And it is not just Einstein.   The very internet on which I am going to post this entry is the result of the non-Newtonian theory of quantum mechanics--based on a world the very opposite of Newton's apparently clockwork universe, where UNCERTAINTY is the "law", and cats can be neither dead nor alive.  Both Relativity and quantum physics came about by SKEPTIICISM as to whether Newtonian physics represented a full explanation of the universe. 

The scientific method is based on constant TESTS of theories--even theories which modify Laws, such as Newton's Laws.   You TEST theories by continued experiment, and PREDICTION.  If you cannot verify a theory by accurate and PRECISE prediction, then the theory is extremely suspect.   And this process never ends.  There is no such thing as TRUTH in science.  That is the realm of faith and philosophy.  In the scientific method, all you have is endless skepticism and TEST.  Oh, the idea of the scientific method is to constantly gain knowledge, and a closer approximation of the "truth", but the entire idea of the scientific method is the idea that we NEVER reach the full truth--that we must constantly TEST our "knowledge" to see where it is in error, or where we can add to it. 

"Global Warming has developed in the way of religion, rather than through the scientific method.  Sure, there was an hypothesis that gained traction in the 1980's and 1990's that increases in greenhouse gas emissions would cause the Earth to warm.  However, that vague hypothesis--never a full fledged theory of climate--was quickly taken over by a POLTICAL movement, as environmentalists (and anti-capitalist leftists of all kinds) seized upon the idea as the perfect vehicle to advance their political agenda (an agenda already there while "global cooling" was still the environmental mantra).

How and why did environmentalists/leftists seize on "global warming", after previously concentrating on "pollution" and even global cooling?   I think it is a story worth analyzing, whowing as it does a complete reversal and perversion of the scientific method.

Part II will follow

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