Friday, April 4, 2008

Health Care Agenda and Fraud: The Despicable Associated Press Marches On

I can't make this stuff up.  The despicable Associated Press has a story featured on AOL this morning about a "blood donor" scam in India, where people are induced to enter the snare by promise of really high wages for an unknown job, and are then "held captive and drained of their blood.  The operators of the business can then make a fortune selling the blood.  The AP, in typical AP fashion, chose a person who thought he was being hired as a DRUG SMUGGLER (money too good, unless it was for something illegal) as the "sympathetic" vicitim to be featured in this story.  Further--see below--the despicable Associated Press/AOL tries to twist this story (takes bending like a pretzel) into an indictment of AMERICAN HEALTH CARE (really can't make up this stuff the despicable AP does to advance an agenda in their stories).

Okay, This is despicable. But is it as DESPICABLE as the truly despicable Associated Press (which would not know a nuetrual, factual story even if it were imprinted on their "brains"--a term I use loosely--at least, until the next al-Qaida tape comes out and the AP reports on it as if it came from the Vatican, with a neutrality the Bush Administration could only dream about).  MAYBE the AP is not as despicable as the human monsters running this operation (which the AP cannot run a straight story on), but it is pretty close.

There is the "human interest" story about a person willing to be a DRUG SMUGGLER. Sorry. Not much sympathy here--although a lot of contempt for the people who exploit him.

It gets worse.  The AP story goes on to assert:

"With an estimated 45 million uninsured Americans, some 500,000 (my note: a phantom, menaingless statistic, which could never be verified, just as the "45 million uninsured" is meaningless--many of those people CHOOSE to be uninsured) trek overseas each year for medical treatment, according to the National Coalition on Health Care -- much of it at Asian hospitals in Thailand, Singapore and India."

Let me get this straight. 500,000 Americans supposedly cannot afford health insurance, but can afford a trip to Asia for HEALTH CARE (which, however "cheap", is surely not provided by the governments). That is STUPID. The National Coalition of Health Care is STUPID (or is it merely that their minds are so consumed with their agenda and propaganda that rationality is not a concern?). The Associated Press is STUPID (with EVERY story having an agenda).

Note that truly poor people get MEDICAID in the United States. It is simply absurd to say that people who can afford to go to Asia for health care could not "afford" health insurance in the U.S. If they CHOSE not to get health insurance, and to go to Asia for healthcare, that is their choice. Leftiists, of course, want to take that choice away from them.

Q.E.D.  The Associated Press, and AOL, ARE truly despicable--not to mention those people desperately trying to distort the "health care" issue in this country.

P.S.  Many Americans--who knows what number--CHOOSE to be treated in Asia because there are treatments there not ALLOWED in the U.S.  (government regulation, you know).  Then there are all of those people from Canada who come here, or who are sent here (recent story on hospital beds not being available in Canada for mothers giving birth), because they can't get timely, good health care in Canada.  There are many people from other countries besides Canada, with "national health care", who come here, as well.  The PROPAGANDA push for a disastrous, "central planning", national healt care system is truly disturbing.  The despicable AP, and AOL, turned a story of human depravity into part of that PROPAGANDA>  Shame on them.



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