Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nazi War Criminals

Yes, one of the major, featured AOL/AP stories today is the list of still wanted Nazi war criminals (headline:  "Doctor Heads List of Nazi War Crininals", with a PICTURE of the "doctor" in the story).  Does there come a point where this is just not worthy of being a major story, even as we recognize that there is no "statute of limitations" on crimes of this magnitude?

While I have no problem with "tracking down" Nazi war ciminals, even in advanced old age, time is passing this story by.  In other words, these groups (who have often done good work in never letting these Nazi monsters sleep well at night), are going to have to find something else to do.

It is simple arithmatic.  World War II ended in 1945.   That is now 63 years ago.  Even Nazi war criminals who were only 20 are now 83 years old (or dead).

There comes a point at which you have to face reality.  We are rapidly reaching that point on Nazi war criminals. 

I do hope that those few still left alive never had a moment's true peace since 1945.

I fully realize that some Jewish groups, although they surely would like to see these Nazis brought to justice, use this kind of pubicity as a POLTICAL tool to keep the Holocaust alive in the minds of people today.  While that is a worthy goal, I really think that they are going to have to figure out another way of doing it.  At some point, they just look a little desperate, and a tad ridiculous.

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