Saturday, April 12, 2008

Barack Obama: Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate Repeat Winner

This week's reincarnation of the "Laugh In" Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate stateuette (of an INDEX FINGER) goes to BARACK OBAMA.

Who else?  The award commemorates conspicious stupidy each week, and Barack Obama's comments in San Francisco made him the obvious, deserving winner.

Let us see.   Did Barack and Michelle Obama become BITTER--explaining their search for "comfort" with an anti-American racist (Reverend Wright)?

Of course Barack Obama does not think of himself that way.  No one does.  But he is perfectly willing to think of OTHER people that way.  That is why is comments in San Francisco are scary.  The man is arrogant and condescending, and does not even appear to realize it. 

My problem with Barack Obama:  I think he truly believes that he can FOOL ALL OF THE PEOPLE, ALL OF THE TIME--proving Abraham Lincoln wrong.

So Barack Obama thinks that the people in Pennsylvania small towns got frustrated with their lives, and allowed themselves to become BITTER--looking to guns, bigotry, RELIGION, and anti-illegal immigrant measures to receive relief from the bitterness.

In other words, Obama is saying that only HICKS really place importance on these things.  The true arrogance here is the idea that only be voting for OBAMA can people prove they are not bigots  Obama is saying that non-frustrated, intelligent people cannot legitiately believe that gun rights, immigration enforcement (see my entries under heading:  "Mexico, a Failed Country), fundamentalist religion, etc--and oppose Obama--because they intelligently think that those things are RIGHT.  Yes--unlike Obama--I think people can "cling" to religion because they think it is RIGHT, rather than because of some ignoble reason (even though I am agnostic). 

In this context, Obama's immdiate "explanation" merely compounded this problem  He said that he was RIGHT, even though he phrased it "inelegantly". 

What about that.  If Obama says that people "cling" to religion out of bitterness, IS that what he did?

I doubt it (although one of my major problems with Obama is, again, that he truly seems to feel that he CAN fool people with WORDS--even when his actions, and words that matter (not for obvious political purposes) don't support the words.  Can a person who really thinks of people this way be a true "uniter"?  I don't think so. 

Sure, SOME people turn to bad things because of frustration.  But to assert that such is COMMON, or that people who believe perfectly reasonable things are automatically suspect as to their beliefs being the result of "frustration" (as distinguished from Obama, who is above that).

I believe that Obama did something even less "noble".  I think he joined Reverend Wright's church, and stayed there, as a matter of POLITICAL CALCULATION.

Why do I say that?  Does a person who REALLY believes in religion use a phrase such as "clings to religion".  I don't think so.  The kind of person who uses that kind of phrase is very close to calling religion the "opiate of the peope" (Karl Marx).

Nope.  It won't wash.  If ever there was a deserving "winner" of this award, it is Barack Obama.  It is truly scary to think that this man may yet be President of the United States.  This is the very reason I was willing to support Hillary Clinton (albeit not because I think she would be a GOOD President, but NOT Barack Obama.  I trully wish I liked John McCain better (politically). Obama could yet make me hold my nose and support McCain (whether I vote for him or not is irrelevant, since I live in Texas (McCain wins Texas--an early projection here). 

Award ceremony: 

You have to imagine Dick Martin pushing the "coveted" "Finger" right into the camera):  "Barack Obama, this award is for YOU; you DESERVE it." 

The above, of course, does not imply that Dick Martin endors, or would endorse, this award   However, I liked the way he presented "the Finger", and I think the image of him doing so (for those who remember it) is appropriate to capture the spirit of this award (obvioslly made by me, and me alone). 

P.S.  As I stated, in reply to comments on the previous entries, I w0ill not have the time to pay attention to this blog until at least Tuesday.  I could not really afford the time for this entry, but I could not resist.  Plus, I treally do want to try to keep up the tradition of this weekly reincarnation of this award.  I will pay more attention, and be back to usual, Tuesday or Wednesday.  Hey, if American Airlines can shut down, so can I.  In a way, the government is responsible for both things.




Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being an "AOL guest editor pick," daddy.  As much as you criticize AOL, I suppose one of their little features actually garnered you more readers, if only for a short time.  Unfortunately for me, being faced with the fact that real people actually read your blog causes me to lose sleep at night.

And despite the fact that I am what you would call a flaming liberal, Obama's comments were a bit jarring; especially because even those of us who label ourselves liberal don't always subscribe to everything liberal.  I, for one, am a strong supporter of the right to own a gun.  I am sure there are also a lot of other liberals, city-folk and small-town folk alike, who are religious.  To dismiss these causes or beliefs as being something that "frustrated" small-town (small-minded, he implied) people "cling to" to get through the day (implying that no one in their right mind, or no one who is an intellectual or otherwise a thinking, rational man could hold these beliefs or support these causes) is of course deeply insulting. In any event, whether the comments were private or not, they're out now, and they've no doubt bruised his credibility.

Anonymous said...

Kyla, of course, is my radical feminist younger daughter, who plans on using the job as first woman President of the United States (now that Hillary seems a longshot, although I still have hopes that my candidate, Hillary, can pull it out--given that Barack Obama is becoming almost a caricature of an elitist leftist) as a stepping stone to world domination.  The mere thought of Kyla with GUNS may yet be the downfall of the NRA.  It is one of the ironies of life that I, a life long conservative, have neither owned nor shot a gun since I left the U.S. Army for law school in 1971.  This is not, of course, because of any antipathy for guns, but because they just don't attract me much (even though I went hunting all over the mountains of New Mexico when I was in high school in Silver City, New Mexico).

Note the support I get from my family for this blog.  It is heart warming.  

Kyla, however, is to be congratulated for her coming graduation from the University of Virginia School of Law.   She is already accepted at one of those big New York City law firms--correctly following the ACTIONS of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, rather than the pandering rhetoric (pandering, in fact, to the perceived bitterness of voters--bitterness that leftist Democrats have done their best to encourage).