Thursday, April 17, 2008

EPA, Leftists, and "Global Warming": Leftis War Against Democracy Marches On

"Officials of 18 states are taking the EPA back to court to try to force it to comply with a Supreme Court ruling that rebuked the Bush administration for inaction on global warming."

"The longest pause in executions in the U.S. in 25 years is about to end. A splintered Supreme Court cleared the way Wednesday, approving the most widely used method of lethal injection."

The first paragraph above is one I quoted on April 2, with a note that I was leaving it as an exercise for the reader to figure out just how slanted the despicable Associated Press was framing its story (especially the lead).  The second paragraph is the Associated Press lead from the AP story on the Supreme Court decision rejecting attacks on lethal injection by death penalty opponets.  Note how the above two lead paragraphs PROVE my point about the despicable Associated Press.

Was the Supreme Court story yesterday a "rebuke" to death penalty opponents?  Certainly, it was MORE a "rebuke" than the complex Supreme Court decision on CO2 as a "pollutant".  Was the Supreme Court "splintered" on the death penalty?  Well, the vote was 7 to 2, with one of the 7 expressing disagreement with the constitutionality of the death penalty overall, but not with regard specifically to lethal injrection.  The Supreme Court was MORE "splintered" in the EPA/"global warming" decision--dividing by a razor thin 5 to 4 vote.  The differing way the despicable Associated Press writes stories, depending on its agenda, could not be clearer.

Note that the EPA story, and the Bush Admiistrations actions this week in caving in to the fraud of "global warming", further provide more PROOF that leftists do not believe in democracy.  The EPA is an administrative agency.  Its administrators are NOT elected.  They are DICTATORS, in terms of passing regulations having the force of law, without the necessity of actual laws being passed by a democratically elected Congress, or approved by a democratically elected President.

This consistent leftist theme of COERCION by judicial and administrative fiat, can get no clearer than in the case of "greenhouse gases" and "global warming".  As I said in yesterday's entry, leftists do NOT believe in democracy.  They believe in getting their way, not matter what it takes.  For them, "the end justifies the means".

The EPA was established in the time of RICHARD NIXON.  The Clean Air Act dates from that same time.  At that time, environmetalists were obsessing about GLOBAL COOLING.   "Global warming" had not yet raised its ugly head as a tool to get alleged environmentalist legislation passed.  There was no big deal about greenhouse gases.  It is silly to suggest that the original Clean Air Act was menat to impose the  "global warming", greenhouse gas agenda on the country.   That agenda did not even exist at the time.

CO2 is NOT an obvious pollutant.  We EXHALE CO2.  Note the effect of the Supreme Court decision saying that the EPA has the authority to regulate CO2, and greenhouse gases, as a POLLUTANTS.  That means that the EPA theoretically has the authority to regulate your BREATHING.  How about a regulation that we all only breathe once a minute?

What happened was that leftist environmentalists did what leftists do.  They were impatient with the democratic process not getting them what they want.  They wanted the EPA to IMPOSE their "global warming" agenda on the country by fiat.  The Bush Administration took the (reasonable) position that the EPA had no authority to "regulate" greenhouse gases, because CO2 was obviously not considered as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act (when "global warming" was not even an issue).  

This was a POLITICAL lawsuit by states pursuing a leftist agenda, and leftists themselves, to IMPOSE their POLITICAL views on the rest of us by FORCING the EPA to "regulate" CO2.  The standard here, by the way, is "aribtrary and capricious".  The EPA decision NOT to regulate had to be "arbitrary and capricious" to b be overturned by the Federal Courts.  The Supreme Court has NO AUTHORITY to decide policy on "global warming".   Their ONLY authority is to interpret laws passed by Congress (and, of course, the Constitution).

Well, amazingly (unless you understand that Suupreme Couit judges are POLITICAL animals), the Supreme Court held that the Clean Air Act was VAGUE enough to bring greenhouse gases within the "pollutants" which it gave the EPA authority to regulate.  The Supreme Court basically said that unless the EPA could come up with PROOF that "global warming" was NOT a problem, the EPA was requied to "regulate" greenhouse gases as pollutants.  Thus, the Supreme Court not only went along with the subversion of democracy sought by leftists, but further subverted judicial logic by requiring the EPA to DISPROVE "global warming", or else regulate greenhouse gases on the assumption that "global warming" is a FACT.  This is insane.  Logically, this means that all a leftist group has to do is ASSERT something, and then they should get their way (undemocratically) unless the assertion can be DISPROVED.  This is essentially the absurd policy leftists WANT to be imposed, and the Supreme Court bought it (5 justices did, anyway) in this particular case. 

Enter the Bush Administration.   The Bush Administration, and Republican leaders in general, are TOO WIMPY to take on leftists directly on something like "global warming".  John McCain is actually a co-sponsor of LEGISLATION to impose "global warming" standard that will RUIN our economy.  Again, however, leftist environmentalists had no intention of waiting for this democratic process to play out.  They want their policies IMPOSED on the rest of us by dictatorial fiat.

Remember, the Supreme Court had NO authority to IMPOSE "global warming" policies.  They could only "interpret" (creatively) the AUTHORITY of the EPA to come up with regulations.  the Supreme Court could not actually draft the regulatioins.

The EPA dragged its feet (which is what the Federal Government DOES, in the best of times).  As stated, there was no way the Bush Administration was going to take on the leftists directly by challenging "global warming".  They COULD have dones so.  As stated, the Supreme Court could NOT impose specific regulations.  So the EPA COULD have said:  "Okay, we have AUTHORITY to regulate greenhouse gases, but we can find no evidence that such regulation is now indicated, or would be effective to reduce 'global warming'".  No chance.  Republicans just don't confront opponents that way anymore.

So the EPA dragged its feet, and the states/leftists sued AGAIN to agina try to get their advocated POLTICIAL policiies imposed by DICTATORIAL FIAT.  The Bush Adminstration has, predictably, CAVED (albeit not to the extent leftist environmentalists want). 

Therefore, in recent days, you have President Bush announcing that it is OFFICIAL U.S. policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, and to IMPOSE undemocratic regulations to accomplish that goal. 

Who cares if it RUINS our economy?  The fact that oil is about $115.00 a barrel,and STILL is the cheapest, most efficient source of energy available, shows how much CHEAPER oil really is than competing, alternative sources of ennergy.  If competing sources of energy were even in the ballpark, the rise in the price of oil should have brought them flooding into the market.  True, there may be some concern that the rise in the price of oil is TEMPORRARY.  Still, it has not happened.  The main reason is has not happened is that OIL (and "carbon" based products) is BY FAR the best source of cheap energy in the world, even with the price rise.   Yet, of course, environmentalists refuse to let us DRILL for more oil.  Instead, they want to ruin our economy.

if you want to blame someone for the rise in the price of everything from food to energy, blame the environmentalists.  They deserve it.  I have noted before the insanity of allowing all of these big oil company mergers, which have HURT the "free market" in oil.  But environmentalists have not raised a big stink about that.  That is because leftists WANT "Big Oil" as a target to use to impose their agenda--an agenda that will raise our energy costs even more certainly than mergers hurting the free market in oil.

And Republicans have accepted the entire premise of "global warming", thereby giving leftist environmentalists the only opening they need to keep imposing more and more of their anti-economy agenda by DICTATORIAL FIAT.

You can get depressed if you think about his too much.  Democrats (political kind), leftists, and the media (that unholy trinity who are ONE) talk about the bad economy as if leftists/environmentalists were not doing their best to make it WORSE.  Republicans, on the other hand, are hardly raising a peep about these attempts to RUIN our economy. 


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