Monday, March 10, 2008

Governor Spitzer and the Prostitution Ring

 Title has the ring of the title of a Harry Potter book, doesn't it?  However, this is the--terrible--first paragraph of the New York Times article now featured on AOL:

"Gov. Eliot Spitzer has informed his most senior administration officials that he had been involved in a prostitution ring, an administration official said this morning."

"involved in a prostitution ring...."

It is getting pretty bad when the New York Times can't even be fair to a LEFTIST DEMOCRAT.

As best I can tell from this story (See the movie, "Teacher's Pet"--reat movie--as to putting "who, when, where, what, and why" in the LEAD, and consider when modern "journalists" abandoned the idea), Governor Spitzer was a CLIENT of a prostitution ring.

I don't know about you.  I don't consider that as being "involved in a prostituton ring".  Why not simply report the FACTS?  Oh, I forgot.  This is the New York Times.

Remember the Repubilcan Louisiana Senator allegedly "involved" (years before) with that Washington madam?  Remember the calls for him to resign (by Democrats).  I said then that we make too much of this stuff (see my AOL blog, "The Maverick Conservative").  I have not changed my mind because it is now a Democrat.

Present news from Fox News is that Governor Spitzer has been indicted and is expected to resign.  The facts are obviously developing.

I have long had a crusade against the modern "journalist" tactic of using weasel words like "involved" and "link" to susbstitute for facts.  What is wrong with simply stating the FACTS (which may be bad enough)?  Why is it necessary to use words lie "involved" and "linked" to imply more than is being said.   The facts should speak for themselves.

P.S.  Spitzer just gave a brief statement, and it was unclear whether he is resigning or not.  The statement just said that politicas was not about individuals, and basically admitted personal wrondoing that Spitzer needed "time" to be with his family about.

P.S. 2:  Fox News is already backing off the story that Spitzer has been indicted, AGAIN showing the danger of using "anonymous sources" to break stories--such stories are not "news", but speculation.  Fox News remains part of the mainstream media problem, rather than part of the solution.

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