Wednesday, March 19, 2008

President Bush: Should He Wear a Hair Shirt?



"Bush Defiantly Defends War in Iraq"

Yes, the above is today's AP/AOL headline abut President Bush saying that removing Saddam Hussein was worth doing.  Do you have any doubt about the agenda of the Associated Press and AOL?

The despicable Assoiciated Press, and AOL, are just so....well...DESPICABLE

So President Bush DEFIANTLY defends the Iraq War.  What would satisfy the AP and AOL?  Right.  Bush would have to apologize, wear a hair shirt, hire someone to whip him, and resign the Presidency.

The word "defiantly" in the headline is disgraceful.  No, I did NOT read the story.  Why read a story when you already know the agenda behind it from the headline.

Whom is President Bush being defiant TO?  Right.  He is being defiant to the truly despicable people of the Assoiciated Press and the mainstream news media.   I have always said (my AOL blog, "The Maverick Conservative" that President Bush--flawed to the point that I have disowned him in the blog--is BLESSED IN HIS ENEMIES.

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