Friday, March 28, 2008

Obama and Reverend Wright (blog prediction already coming true)

"Democrat Barack Obama seemed to suggest in an interview aired Friday that his former pastor has acknowledged that his controversial remarks were inappropriate and hurtful, although there are no public accounts of the minister having done so."

The above is the first sentence of the current AP/AOL story--posted on AOL long after my previous blog entry today discussed below.

See today's award of the coveted/dreaded "Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate" to Jeremiah Wright (see earlier entry today).  This week's award was, of course, for the incredible, WRITTEN, "galic noses" remarks--enthnic slurs against Italians.

I PREDICTED, before seeing anything about the aove, that Reverend Wrirght (who has been spirited into an Obama "witness/Obama protection program"), would resurface with WORDS--Obama type mere words--suppporting "racial harmony", as if such words could make up fro the racial hatred he has been spredking (with the implied endorsement of Obama--Obama's problem NOT being whether Obama really believes what Wright has sai, but that Obama implied endorsement of Wright's views by continuing to attend this church fully as much as a politician attending a church whose pastor is a grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan would be deemed to be providing encouragement/endorsement for such hate).

This story is actually WORSE than what I predicted (although I expect what I predicted to happen).  OBAMA is providing the WORDS for Reverend Wright, when self-serving WORDS hardly excuse spreading/endorsing HATE for so many years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rev. wright says the US govt is flooding the ghetto with drugs.