Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary Clinton and Bosnia

Did you hear about Hillary Clinton making up resume enhancement as to her epxeriences as First Lady under fire?  Yes, she stated--twice, I think--that she went to Bosnia at a time when it was so dangerous that she had to "duck SNIPER FIRE, and run for cover, getting off the helicopter" (quote not exact, but giving you the exact flavor of what happened).  I like Sinbad's reaction, which was that nothing happened:  "What kind of President would send his wife into a dangerous situation, rather than go himself?"  The problem there, of course, is that we know Bill Clinton WOULD.

I have finally figured out HIlary Clinton's problem.  She thinks she can do what Bill did:  say anything and get away with it because of personal charm.  She just does not seem to realize that few think she has any personal charm.   It even seems to be wearing thin for Bill.

And say you are the despicable Associated Press.  You have been ignoring this story (as Hillary Clinton expected you to), even though Sinbad has evidently been talking about it for some two weeks.  But Hillary Clinton has put out a statement admitting that she "misspoke".  Well, you know what you do if your are the despicable AP.  You do the same thing you did with Obama and Reverend Wright.   You highlight the "EXPLANATION"/response of the Clinton campaign, and NOT the original lie.  Therefore, the Associated Press headline is:   "Clinton 'misspoke' on Bosnia trip". 

I just love the headline by the despicable Associted Press (not to mention the Clinton "explanation, which boils down to this plaintive complaint:  "Bill got away with making things up; why can't I").

How do you "misspeak" about being under SNIPER FIRE (when it is news to everyone else on the trip, including SINBAD).  This is the kind of thing you say when you are so used to favorable press coverage that you don't think you will be called on it (like Bill describing all of those church fires in Arkansas that never happened).

Barack Obama should sympathize.  Rememer when he was "tired", and said that 10,000 peope--or was it 1,000? (I am "tired", you understand)--died in that tornado that hit that Kansas town, while the Natinal Guard was supposedly busy in Iraq (the whole point of the "exaggeration", when "only" about 10 died, with perfectly adequate emergency response).  Hey, Obama was only making oneof those rhetorical points, and engaging in the oratory for which he is famous.  What matter that he was off by an order of magnitude (100 times).


Anonymous said...

I think you are blowing this out of proportion. In her autobiography the events are relayed with more care (trip shortened because of reported sniper fire in the hills or some such thing). I think, given that she says 8000 sentences a day, that she just misspoke.

Anonymous said...

I hate to disagree flatly with the only person regularly commenting on this blog--something which my relatives and friends don't even do--but I don't buy "misspoke"--THREE TIMES (not just two, like I originally thought).

CBS News actually broke open this story with VIDEO last night, after the mainstream media had frist ignored it (despite Sinbad questioning her truthfulness for evidently the past two weeks or so).  Remember that Hillary Clinton was very specific (not just vaguely exaggerating the "danger".  She said that she had to "duck and run" because of "sniper fire", and that the welcoming cereomony had to be cancelled.  The video shows that was simply not true.  There WAS a ceremony as she (and the others, including Sinbad, got off the ariplane).  Everyone was all smiles.  There was NO gunfire in the area.

Now has Hillary Clinton gradually exaggerated this story, as she has retold it under the pressure of this campaign, to the point that she believed it actually happened that way?  Well, I could ALMOST buy that (which I would not regared, exactly, as "misspoke").  The reason I say "almost" is that I was in the army.  Although I was never "under fire", I can't imagine really forgetting whether I was or was not.  I still remember the drill sergeant "demonstration" of a grenade, where the demostrator supposedly DROPPED A LIVE GRENADE--causing a minor panic among us trainees.

I don't think you forget being under fire.  Now is it that big a deal.  Well, I don't think it is as big a deal as the Reverend Wright debacle.  And I doubt that Hillary Clinton sat down and calculated:  "How do I lie today".  But I do think she told it the way she did because it made a good story, and she (consciously or unconsciously) thought she could get away with a flase story--a story she really knew was false.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't think it is as big a deal as the Reverend Wright debacle.  And I doubt that Hillary Clinton sat down and calculated:  "How do I lie today".  But I do think she told it the way she did because it made a good story, and she (consciously or unconsciously) thought she could get away with a flase story--a story she really knew was false.

* * * * *

Ok, I'll buy that part of your arguement.

BTW., feel free to publicly disagree with me on issues. I have no problem w/ civil debates.

