Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sex and Politics

See the multiple previous entries on Governor Spitzer (plus the multiple archive entries on David Vitter and Larry Craig--not to mention Rudy Giuliani).  As I have stated, the idea that personal misconduct/moral lapses disqualifies one from public office is not defensible.  It would have deisqualified President Kennedy, FDR, perhaps Eisenhower, and any number of other revered politcal figures of the past.   Plus, the "hypocrisy" that I worry about is the hypocrisy of the way leftists and the mainstream media try to set up "hypocrisy" as a way to make ths solely a Republican problem.  Since Democrats have no standards and morals in the first place, the theory goes, they can't be guilty of "hypocrisy" (regarded as the ultimate "sin"--espectially for Republicans).

That said, I hav a question:  How STUPID are politicians?  In this world of "no privacy", the idea that you can keep your sex life private is becoming simply stupid.  No one can be that dumb.  It follows that these politicians just can't control themselves.  It is like what I have said about husbands killing their wives and girlfriends.  Aside from the morality of it, you KNOW that you are going to be the prime suspect.  How dumb can you get?

I stand behind my position (David Vitter and Giuliani) that OLD sexual "sins" are irrelevant to a person's qualifications for public office.  However, it is tempting to say that a politician who commits sexual sins at the present time is showing himself to be too dumb (or too unable to control himself, even with powerful motivation) to hold public office.

Kyla778:  "Men are scum."

Skip3366:  Kyla, I TOLD you to stop hacking into this blog and saying that.  You are in a rut.   People don't want to keep hearing that same cliche' over and over again.

Kyla778:  AS IF people wanted to read your bloated stuff.

Skip3366:  I apologize for this.  I have tried to get better security, but my radical feminist, younger daughter somehow keeps hacking into this blog.   It would be nice if men out there did not keep proving her RIGHT.  My concolation is that women seem to be coming around to being the same kind of scum as men.

I am unwilling to quite adopt that view.  But I admit that I am getting sorely tempted.

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