Thursday, March 27, 2008

Obama and Chicago

See the recent enries in this blog (including comments under "garlic nose" entry) as to the lack of real ACCOMPLISHMENTS of Barark Obama--including lack of accomplishments, or previous record, in promoting racial harmony or "bringing people together"  Now there is this news out of Chicago:

"With 20 public school students killed -- 18 by gunfire -- since September, Chicago struggles with how to keep its students safe. The city's enacted stricter curfews and stepped up its police patrols. Soon, officers will have live access to thousands of security cameras inside and outside of schools."

Is it coincidence that the hate speech of Reverend Wright comes out of Chicago?  I wonder.

Then there is Barack Obama, who placed a stamp of approaval on the hate speech all of these years.  WHERE is the EVIDENCE that he has been a force for real "values" iin Chicago.

For that matter, where is the evidence that Obama has been a force for either racial or plitical harmony ANYWHERE?  Do speeches make up tor a total lack of acomplishment, and actons that contradict the speeches?  I don't think so.

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