Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, and Joe Biden
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sarah Palin and Sex Discrimination, Continued: WHO Is the BEST Vice President?
Sarah Palin and Sex Discrmination: A Primer (Doris Kerns Goodman Again Guest Stars)
Clinton and Obama Discuss Sarah Palin (Guest Appearce by Politcal Hack Doris Kerns Goodman)
Sarah Palin: Feminism, Sexism, and My Identity Crisis
Have I become a FEMINSIT? I have asked that question before this year, and it is beginning to really bother me. See the previous entry. I would previously have said that sexiism is part of my bery identity as a person.
However, has Darth Vader (Hillary Clinton or my two feminst daughters, Kenda and Kyla--take your pick) converted me to the Dark Side of the Force?
I worry. Consider. After Mitt Romney lost the Republican nomination for President, I switched to Hillary Clinton as MY candidate for President--not just for the nomination, but for the general election. If she had won, I might still be for her, despite Sarah Palin. I cast my VOTE for Hillalry Clinton in the DEMOCRATIC primary in Texas,
Now I am going to be voting for Sarah Palin. Make no doubt about it. It does not matter that John McCain's name is on top of the ticket. I am going to vote FOR SARAH PALIN.
You can see my identity crisis here. I am going to end up voting for TWO women this election, when I had the chance to vote for a REAL SEXIST (Obama). I am serious here. This is really disturbing for me. I may have to go into analysis.
P.S. Yes, this "surfing" during these political events is also beginning to wear on me metnally. I just saw Doris Kerns Goodman on MSNBC (I think--a part of the National Barack Channel networks). In case you did not know, Goodman is a leftist POLITICAL HACK masquerading as a historian. I first became familiar with her long ago, on the Imus in the Morning radio program. In fact, that is when I first became familiar with John McCain, when he was still a media favorite (he still is an Imus favorite, since Imus is not quite the sanctimonious hypocrite of these other people, despite selling out to MSNBC and the media "elite" during those years before they turned on him). True to form, Goodman gave nothing but political propaganda with the weight of her "historian hat" supposedly behind it. Of course, political propaganda is what MSNBC does. Goodman first said that McCain's choice was primarily relevant because of the light it throws on his judgment and termperament to be President. MARVEL at that awhile. Do you wonder why I call this woman a LEFTIST POLITICAL HACK? Do you wonder why I say MSNBC is an outlet for leftist Democrat propaganda? WHERE did you hear that pharase before? RIGHT. It was in OBAMA'S SPEECH last night. It is the new lefitst/Obama mantra/catch phrase. I digress (not really). Goodman went on to say that you have to question McCain's judgment in choosing a woman with so llittle experience to be a hearbeat away from the Presidency, since 9 Vice Presidentets have become President when something happened to the President (or 1 out of 5). She went on to say that some 5 others went on to be elected President in their own right, making it one out of 4. However, that last just PROVES HER BIAS, and how she is FUDGING to amke a POLITICAL case. If 5 Vice Presidents are elected in their own right, they PROVED THEMSELVES TO THE PUBLIC enough to be ELECTED. They did NOT become President jsut because a Presidential candidate chose them. So it is 1 out of 5 (as I CORRECT political hack Goodman in her logic). Well, 1 out of 5 is a fair number, right. Yep. But there are two problems. The first is one Goodman, political hack that she is, failed to address. That is the EXPERIENCE a VICE PRESIDENT gets before something happens to the President. I think there has been only ONCE (Willian Hentry Harrison?--not sure) that a President has died SHORTLY after taking office. For example, Truman succeeded FDR. Okay, maybe it was TWICE that a President died quickly. That is only 1 out of 20. Second, even political hack Goodman could not ignore that Obama has no more experience than Palin, and he is running for President. ALL (100%; 43 out of 43) persons elected PRESIDENT have become President. Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive as a politcal hack. So Goodman had to address why Obama was not MORE of a worry than Palin, in terms of lack of experience. You have to like this one, because it says more about political hack Goodman than about Obama. She said that "we" have develooed a "comfort level" with Obama (Berlin and all), which we don't have with Paline. SAY WHAT? Look up "political hack historian" in the dictionary, and you see a picture of Doris Kerns Goodman. WHY did Obama pick Joe Biden as VP. Even MSNBC says it is because people do NOT have a "comfort level" with Obama as Commander in Chief. If any statement can prove someone is incompetent as an "expert", that satement by Goodman proves it. This biased stuff can melt your mind after awhile, which is why I no longer even surf MSNBC or CNN 9beofre suspending that practice for the brief time of these conventions and VP picks). On the upside: Doris Kerns Goodman is a WOMAN, although perfectly willing to trash a fellow woman in her role as political hack assassin. I have not yet descended so far into the loss of my sexist identity that I accept any stupid thing a woman says.
Sexist Recruits: Mainstream Media and the Left Join Me
It is time. It is time for me and Al Bundy (my fictional hero, and founder of "NO MA'AM"). To quote Obama: "It is OUR TIME".
Yes, the Democratic nominess for President has now been exposed as a SEXIST, and maybe the entire Democratic Party. Obama has confirmed it again today, in his sexist dismissal of Sarah Paline.
CNN (in a John Roberts segment) has brought up the "question" of whether a WOMAN and MOTHER can be both an effective Vice President and mother of a Down's Syndrome baby. They need all of that attention from their MOTHER, you know.
Sexist that I am, I still would not DARE say something like that. Is it not THE most hated criticism of feminism that mothers of yound children should not work because it keeps them from properly fulfilling their PRIMARY role as a MOTHER?
Al Bundy is a fictional character, so maybe "our time" is not quite right. But what I really meant by "OUR TIME" is the time for we sexists to RISE.
We have never been able to get media support before. We have never been able to get the support of the Democratic Party before. NOW WE CAN. They are even EAGER to be sexist even beyond my wildest dreams.
Yes. I think it is TIME. It is time to start a REAL LIFE organization like Al Budny's "No Ma'am".
This strikes me as really "NO LOSE". If Sarah Palin wins, conservatism wins on most issues (just not on crass sexism) If Sarah Palin loses, leftist Democrats and the mainstream media will probably have to KILL FEMINISM to bring it about.
This election is really getting fun.
P.S. If you doubt my credentials as a sexist, remember that I have said, on the record in this blog, that women should never have gotten the vote. Now I have said this does NOT mean I automatically oppose woman candidates. So I am not a hypocrite. Hoever, the objective evidence is that women VOTING have virtually destroyed civilization. So you might question Obama's qualifications to be Commander in Chief, or even Sarah Palin's (although she is not directly running for that job), but you can't question my qualifications as a SEXIST. What gladdens my heart is all of these new RECRUITS I am getting to my cause.
Sarah Palin: Correct Prediction
Nope. It was not ME who correctly predicted that the McCain VP choice would be Sarah Palin. Here is the COMMENT from 8/24/2008 on this blog:
Comment from tedmol | Email tedmol
8/24/08 11:20 PM | Permalink
This leaves only Govs Sarah Palin and Tim Pawlenty. Pro-abortion Ridge and Dem-Lieberman were never real considerations, despite relentless media goading. Pawlenty’s lackluster TV performances, coupled with Palin pizzazz, the primacy of oil drilling and the ticked off women/Hillary voters, does now portend a McCain/Palin checkmate on the Dems. This is so albeit the Dems and liberal media dare not mention Palin’s name, that is, everyone but…..
And if there’s any question as to Palin being uniquely positioned and able to more than nullify Biden in debate, see the excellent discussion at
Team McCain, well done!!!"
Obama: Inexperienced Sexist
First, Barack "Wrold" Obama dissed Hillary Clinton's calim to be more experienced and qualified for President. Then he dissesd her for Vice President, in favor of a MAN who won 5,000 votes (as distinguished from Cltinton's 18 million).
Now Obama has issued another statement DISSING a WOMAN. He has denigrated her as the mayor of a town of 9,000 people--ignoring that she was elected GOVERNOR of Alaska, was head of an important commisson in Alaska, and is considered the most POPULAR GOVERNOR IN THE NATION after her less than 2 years in office. She is the ONLY candidate with executive experience. That leads to the question: Is Obama as SEXIST as I am, or MORE? The EViDENCE is that he IS. As usual with Obama, his RECORD, and unscripted words, reveal him to be unworthy of being President.
Now the mainstream media is QUICKLY picking up the Obama assertiona that this "takes Obama's lack of experience off of the table."
Say What? Sarah Palin has ACCOMPLISHED more in Alaska, even taking on Big Oil, than Obama has ACCOMPLISHED in his whole life. Hoever, beyond that, Obama's statement ("one heartbeat away from the Presidency") could be said of OBAMA. Just substitute "a few years in the Illinois legislature with NO foreign policy experience" for "mayor of a town of 9,000 people". Obama, however, will NOT be a "heartbeat" away from the Presidency, if elected. He will be the PRESIDENT. He is LESS qualified to be the President than John McCain, as HIS OWN STTEMENT SAYS.
John McCain will be the President. He provides the experience. Sarah Plain can LEARN from him, as Obama would have to LEARN (but NOT from the second spot, but from the top spot for which he is not ready).
It is simply NOT true that "experience is off of the table. The EXPERIENCE that matters is that of the President. The Vice President is there to complement the Preisident.
The only question now is HOW sexist Obama and the mainstream media want to prove themselves. Well, that is not the ONLY question. Another interesting question is just how far both Obama and the mainstream media will go to PROVE themselves the sanctimonious hypocrites that they are.
Sarah Palin, Vice President
Yes, I now OFFICIALLY endore John McCain for President of the United States.
As a conservative, this is a major surprise to me. I could not imagine that McCain could pick a person this conservative. As I said, Goveror Plain is a HEROINE to the pro-life movement, of which I regard myself as a part.
Again, I did not think McCain had it in him Now I stand by my statements that this is RISKY. Plain could cost McCain the election, if she does not do well. Hoever, that is part of what makes this choice so IMPRESSIVE. McCain has proven himself willling to take a RISK--a risk on his own judgment.
Therefore, I repeat, I now endorse John McCain for President of the United States. Nope. I have not really changed my mind on McCain, although this choice impresses me on many levels. But there is simply no way I could fail to vote for Sarah Palin as Vice President. This is one election when I am voting for VICE PRESIDENT, with the President just being the running mate.
McCain VP; Has McCain Shown Who Is a Commander In Chief?
In one way, you really have to like John McCain. Remember that "plan" of Barack "World" Obama to text message his VP choice on Friday morning? Remember how that plan FAILED (whether by deliberate leak or incompetence).
Now look at John McCain. He promised to reveal his VP choice this morning. As this is being written, it is a mere TWO HOURS before the event where the VP pick will APP{EAR. It is STILL SECRET. The media is beside itself. They seem to be INSULTED that they can't get a reliable "leak", and that the names floated yesterday 9mainly Romney and Pawlenty) were evidently false.
Has McCain not jsut PROVED he is better fitted to be Commander in Chief than Obama? I think so. McCain made a commitment. He also committed to keeping his choice secret until this morning. He has KEPT those commitments. Obama FAILED to keep his commitments.
The media, of course, has merely again shown how disgraceful they are. For that alone, McCain has shown Commander in Chief ability.
P.S. Yes, I--of all people--should know better than to pay any attention to the medai. The "news" today is that Romney, Pawlenty, and Lieberman are all OUT. The heavy speculation today is SARAH PALIN, Governor of Alaska. My gut tells me this CAN;T be right, although it would be one of the few McCain picks that would cause me to vote for McCain. But how can McCain run on experience, and say Palin is "ready" to be President. yes, she is as, or more, ready than OBAMA. And OBAMA can hardly attack her too hard on experience. Still, this would be a RISKY pick. So would Meg Whitman, who would be another risky pick. What aobut Kay Bailey Hutchinson. She was OUT yesterday, and denied it yesterday. Was I right all along. Will it be Governor Crist of Florida? As I say above, what other evidence do you need, since we DON'T KNOW, that John McCain is more qualified to be Comander in Chief than Barack "World" Obama. If it IS Governor Sarah Palin, you heard it here (almost) first. See my original entry this week evaluating the possible VP picks. Nope. I am not talking about ME. I am tallking about the COMMENT. You can check it out. The comment identified Sarah Plain as the likely choice. I dismissed it, and still would be ASTOUNDED at that risky a pick. Yes, I would be impressed too. Palin is a pro-life heroine, and a conservative reformer who is an EXPERT on energy matters. She is one IMPRESSIVE individual. She just has little real experience, being a first term governor of Alaska. I still can't see it, but the person commenting could. Maybe that person knew a lot more than I do, and that is a humbling thing for me to admit. The fundamental point remains: Does it not say major GOOD things about John McCain that, against all odds, he has KEPT this secret to the very end?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi: Not a Catholic
Yes, the Archbishop of the Catholic Church in Denver, Colorado has confirmed what I told you in this blog (see multiple entries this week).
You CANNOLT be a Catholic and not believe that human life begins at conception.
Yep. Llike I said: I know more about the Catholic Church than supposed Catholic Nancy Pelosi (who even said she "studied the subject a long time). And I was raised Prebyterian. The woman is hopelessly stupid.
As I said, when Pelosi said "many Catholics disagree with the Church teaching that human life begins at conception", she was really saying that those people are NOT, and should not consider themselves, Catholic.
Don't take my word for it. The Archbishop was interviewed on Fox, and said the very same thing. HIM I believe.
Told you so.
Gustav: Wolf Blitzer, LIAR
"The Gulf coast is now in Trouble."
The above statement is objectively a LIE. It is not a matter of opinion. It is a LIE.
You may have wondered how a person can lie about a hurricane. Well, Wolf Blitzer managed it, and I think the mainstream media rgularly does the same sort of thing, or at least close to it.
Yep. I don't watch CNN either. But I have been surfing even places I do not even surf anymore, just to keep up on McCain's VP choice. I know. Logically, I will find out, and it doess not matter when I find out. But I am curous (which the TV people count on in hunting for a USELESS scoop--we will all know by 11:00 a.m. EDT tomorrow.
For the record, Gustav is not even IN the Gulf of Mexico. It is not even now a hurricane. It is PROJECTED to go into the Gulf of Mexico, but that is NOT A FACT. It is projected to go into the Gulf of Mexico as a major hurricane, but that is NOT A FACT. It is all projectioin and SPECULATION. Further, the WHOLE Gulf Coeast is NOT "in ttrouble". It is highly unlikely that Gustav will strike omore than one place on the Gulf Coast. So the CORRECT statement (one not a Wolf Blitzer LIE) is: "Some part of the Gulf Coast MAY be in trouble by early next week."
What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to be a modern, mainstream "journalist", or TV host, interested only in HYPE.
McCain VP: "Long Knives" and Religious Bigotry--Pawllenty or Romney?
Speeches: Not That Important
Economy: Okay
Although it is not receiving major attention in the mainstream media--just a passing mention while BAD "news" would be played up as major--the GNP numbers for the Second Quarter have been revised UPWARD. Growth was 3.3%. That is actually HEALTHY--certainly not even close to a "recssion".
What is the reactioin? Right the first time. the reaction is the "gloom and doom" reaction that it is good to have this good news, but it doen't change that the economy can't REALLY be "good" until the housing "crisis" is solved AND the financial "crisis" is "solved".
Buhnk. Now there ARE things that will KILL the eoncomy. We can CRUCIFY the economy on a cross of "global warming". We can CRUCIFY the eoncomy if we continue to REUSE TO ALLOE DRILLING, and devleopment of our other resources (like coal and nuclear power).
In light of the bursting of the housing "bubble" (that HAD to burst at some point), the economy has done WELL. You won't hear it in the mainstream media, but it is true. Are some people hurting? Yep. But if you think we can keep all people from ever suffering any pain, then you should be working in the mainstream media. You need to stay oout of the real world for your own good.
Remember all of those stories about how the initially announced growth of 1.9% was "tepid" and insignificant. Remember all of those DEMOCRATS who kept saying we are IN a "recession" (not to mention that dufous, McCain, despite his occasional defense of our economy)? WILL we get CORRECTIIONS and "revised" mainstream media/Democrat views on our economny? Don't hold your breath waiting, or you will DIE.
P.S. Did you doubt me on my comparison of oil speculators with media speculators on Gustav? Well, oil prices were slightly DOWN today, even as the media ratcheted up its SPEUCULATION and HYPE. Q.E.D. Oil speuculators are MORE rational than media speculators, and LESS subject to irrational emotion.
Gustav: Irrational Panic?
See the previous entry today on (probable) hurricane Gustav. Did you doubt me? Never do that.
Do you realize that FEMA is "front loading" resources (SPENDING MONEY) to prepare for a hurricane which we are not even sure will hit the U.S.
Yes, did you realize that Gustav may NOT hit the U.S. at all? Hurricane Dean (I think it was) MISSED the U.S. altogether last year, after we spent MILLIONS "preparing for it.
HOW did we survive hurricanes all of those years where we did not being MAJOR preparations until the track of the hurricane was fairly well defned. Yes, that approach FAILED with Katrina, partially because it ALTERED COURSE late and partially because we were dealing with Louisiana, which FAILED (under Democratic rule in the state and the city of New Orleans) to respoind when the threat became apparent. However, are we goingt o evacuate the ENTIRE GULF COAST every time a hurricane is a possible threat? We seem to be headed in that directioin, but it is STUPID. Remember how many many DIED in trying to EVACUATED HOUSTON for hurricane Rita?
Yes, Gustav MIGHT hit the Yuchatan (Cancun area). It MIGHT not hit the U.S. at all. The probabilities seem to be that Gustav will go into the Gulf of Mexico, and become a fairly major hurricane. But we have survived LOTS of hurricanes like Gustav without major problems.
Is the media trying to turn us all into SCARED RABBITS. Short answer: YES.
Even Fox News (as I continue to say: part of the PROBLEM and NOT part of the solution--mostly not worth watching any more than the rest of the mainstream media), or maybe I should leave out the "even" because Fox News HYPES as much or more than any of them, is talking non-stoip about how the Republican Convention may be dramatically changed (days even cancelled) because of Gustav. THIS IS ALL STUPID SEPCULATION WHEN WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHETHER GUSTAV IS GOING TO BE A BIG PROBLEM FOR THE U.S.
I heard Chris Wallace talk about how BAD it would be for Republicans to be talking politics when people are "HURTING". Wallace is a intellecutally vapid, sanctimonious hypocrite. People are ALWAYS hurting. They hurt in teh Great Depression (Roosevelt still had conventions). They hurt in Vietnam. They hurt in Iraq. 42,000 DIE every single year in TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS. That is about 12 per DAY. There are LIKELY to be more people "hurting" on the highways during the Republican Convention, than there are because of Gustav.
Sure, it is POSSIBLE Gustav will turn into one monster of a hurricane affecting this country in a major way. But it is UNLIKELY. At this point, it is all SPECULATION.
I can't tell you how stupid this overhype is. I don't think it is healthy--causing people to be "prepared". I think it is vastly unealthy--continuing to advance an idea that politicians MUST "wring their nands" and exude "concern" over ever "hurting" American, or poetntillay huring American, or be trashed. Have we REALLY gone that far off of the deep ened?
I am afraid maybe so. In the meantime, you shoudl go to the national hurricane center website to get FACTS about storms (and even they are human, and inclined to a certain amount of scare, which deos give them attention, but MUCH better than the "news"). Watching or paying any attention to the media is a MISTAKE.
P.S. I am perfectly aware that Gustav is likely to make it into the Gulf of Mexico, even if it passes over the tip of the Yuchatan Peninsula. The land there is so flat as to not break up a major storm. However, a lot depends on how FAR south Gustav goes. If the computer models--very fallible lately--are just a LITTLE off, Gustav could be more affected, AND it could end up heading for northern Mexico, or as a minor hurricane headed for the Texas coast near Mexico. If you noticed DEPRESSION on the part of the media around 2 p.m. EDT, it is because Gustav is STILL not a huurican, as winds have stayed steady at 70 mph. It is still expected to become a hurricane, but my main p9oint remains. We don't KNOW very much about how strong this storm will be, or where it is going. To EVACUATE, or spend millions of dollars, ALL along the Gulf Coast based on SPECULATION is INSANE. Yes, preliminary preparations are indicated. Panic is stupid, and expensive. As Houston showed, it can also be FATAL.
Kyla and Historic Moments
See one entry ago (yesterday).
I thought about it, and realized I was UNDERSTATING the sheer magnitude of the moment, if Kyla becomes the first woman President 20-25 years from now.
She would not only be the first woman Preisdent. She would not only be the first HISPANIC (basent being beat to the punch in the ensuing 20 years, which is entirely possible--probably MORE likely than a woman after the Hillary fiasco) President. She would also be the frist NATIVE AMERICAN President.
Hold on, you say. Kyla can't possibly be all of those things. Wrong. Remember that there is NO DEFINITION POSSIBLE for who is a Native American and who is not (as 50% white guy Barack "World" Obama proves as to definitions of this sort of thing). It seems pretty certain that I have SOME Native American "blood", although family history is a little vague and uncertain on exactly how much. Say it is only 5%. SO WHAT. If Kyla feels like calling herself a Native American because of that 5%, can ANYBODY say she is wrong? Tell me YOUR definition of a "Native American". The local Tigua Indians accept 1/8, and I don't think that there ARE any Tiguas with much GREATER percentage than that. There may well be people accepted as members of the "tribe" with a lesser percentage. There was some problem about ever getting them accepted as an Indian tribe, when there were no "pure bloods" around. As I have said, there is NO DEFINITIION, and even trying to come up with one puts you in a racist position.
Dirty little secret (again, but you won't listen): MOST Americans (not to mention people of the world) are of MIXED RACE and ethnicity. That is becoming more true all of the time. The entire concept of "race" is of doubtful usefullness, and getting more doubtful daily.
In any event, the election of Kyla to the Presidency will be so much more "historic" than the nomination of Obama, it is not even close. Don't say you weren't WARNED.
Guistav: Gasoline Speculatiors, Otherwise Known As The MEDIA
The HYPE on trpopical storm/hurricane Gustav is about to hit fever pitch as our disgraceful media ROOT for another Katrina (their "finest" hour, which should depress them since their coverage of Katrina was TERRIBLE).
Who needs oil speculatiors in our financial markets when we have MEDIA SPECULATORS out of control. Thus, we have all of those HOPEFUL stories about how this is the trhird annniversay of Katrina, and you know what Katrina did to gasoline prices (not to mention New Orleans, where people are being SCARED once again.
Yes, it appearsl likely, although not certain, that Gustav will become a major hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. And it is necessary to alert Gulf coast residents to prepare for a POSSIBLE hurricane.
However, where is the PERSPECTIVE--not to mention the concentration on the FACTS instead of the HYPER-SCARE speculation. Yes, I think we have become too prone to PANIC even in preparation measures such as evacuatons and SPENDING money on excessive CYA (cover your ass) precautionary measures.
You may think I go the opposite direction in not encouraging enough preparation. Doesn't matter to the point here. That point is that there is NO excuse for the excessive media SCAREHYPE and SPECULATON. Jack Webb had it right ("Dragnet"): "Just the facts, ma'am."
Nope, it is NOT facts to talk about how Gustav COULD be just like Katrina, or even a category 5 hurricane. How MNANY hurricaneshave we SURVIVED in the Gulf of Mexico BEFORE Katrina, without major loss of life or major disruption to oil and gasoline supplies? Well, almost ALL of them--MANY.
It is LUCKY that "journalists" do not CONTROL theoil and gasoline markets. If they did, we would have $10.00 a gallon gasoline. As it is, "journalists" are doing their best to SPPOK the oil and gasoline markets.
How do these people ("journalists") sleep at night? My own explanation is that they are too STUPID to realize the human misery they are causing, and often seem to be ROOTING for.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hispanic Hisoric Moment: Will I Be Responsible?
Barack "World" Obama: First African-American Presidential Nominee, or Just Another White Guy?
Hillary Clinton and Sex Discrimination: Should She SUE the Democratic Party?
"The Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2007 (S. 1843):
- Creates a new paycheck rule dissolving any statute of limitation* for an employee filing a compensation discrimination charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Forces employers to defend employment decisions that occurred in the distant past
- Allows plaintiffs to file lawsuits based on circumstantial evidence and "he said, she said" testimony
- Removes incentives for employees to act immediately when they are subjected to discrimination
- Contains a "pension annuity check rule" that would allow an employee to bring charges against an employer so long as the employee receives benefits, such as retirement benefits
- Brings about excessive litigation, significant costs and little resolution to small business"
Chris Matthews and MSNBC: Racist Provocateurs
Mexico: A Failed Country
Hilary Clinton: No Win for Obama
I did not listen to Hillary Clinton's "big speech". Why should I? Why should anyone (except her real fans--I supported her for President but hardly qualify as a real fan). This media assumption that SPEECHES matter is one of the wonders of our time. It (whatever is behind this strange media focus on WORDS) may partly explain why Obama's campaign is ALL aobut speeches, whith no record behind them.
Doesn't matter. Hillary Clinton's speech could not help Barack "World" Obama. If it were a bad speech, it could hardly help. Yet, the better the speech was, the WORSE Obama looks. This is the woman he PASSED OVER for Vice President. If she completely ouclasse Joe Biden (likely), then what does that say about Obama picking Biden for VP, and not even CONSIDERING Hillary Clinton. Deosn't say much for Obama, does it?
Nope. There was just no way for Obama to win last night. And tonight holds little promise for beng better. Oh, the mainstream media is sure to exclaim over how "brilliant" Joe Biden's speech is, because they are in the tank for Obama. But what if Biden is outclassed by BOTH Clintons--Hillary and Bill. Can that possibly be good for Obama?
Then Obama is going to do a McCain campiagn commercial on Thursday, playing "the One" in Mile HIgh stadium on a GREEK TEMPLE type stage. Who could make this stuff up? John Elway Obama isn't.
Only McCain could possibly lose this election, and even he may not be able to do it.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Using Hillary Clinton: Obama, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, and Keith Olbermann
As I said, I ma not interested in the scripted TV SHOW that political conventions have become. However, I will rarely surf through the cable channels just to get a feel for what the commentators are saying. Bad mistake, except for blog entries.
Rachel Maddow is this chick from Air America who is somewhere to the left of Keith Olbermann. You don't get any more left than that, or any more dishoenst in a politically partisan way. YEARS ago, I dismissed Ketih Olbermann as the most despoicable cable TV host on this, or any other planet. He has no redeeming features, as a political hack or as a human being (something I don't say lightly, as--for example--I have no problems with Obama as a human being). Rachel Maddow is not QUITE as obnoxious as Olbermann (how could she be?), but she really is actually to his LEFT. That is evidently why MSNBC has now hired her. If you did not know, MSNBC has lost all pretense of objectivity, and put all of its bets on being the LEFTIST cable network. Indeed, parent NBC has seemingly made the same decision, and has become an arm of the Obama campaign (even more than the rest of the TV networds, other than Fox News). This is just background.
As noted, I was surfing, and I watched about a minute of Maddow (she is good looking) talking with MSNBC people (Olbermann, Buchanan, and maybe Brokaw). Maddow went on a tirade about what Hillary Clinton needed to do in her speech tonight.
Maddow's thesis was that Hilalry needed to SMACK DOWN McCain for USING Hillary Clinton. Review my entry this week about Obama being a "dead man walking", for having DISSED Hillary Clinton (the entry about Hillary Clinton and the REAL 3 a.m. phone call).
Maddow wants to sell the idea that it is MCCAIN who is USING Hillary Clinton, like men traditionally use women against their will? Can you get any more politically biased, ont to mention stupid, than that. Maddow is talking about the McCain ADS showing Clinton talking about Obama. Is that "using" Clinton? Of course not. That is simply using the WORDS Clinton has said, as Obama would use the words Romeny said if Romney is McCain's VP pick. McCain doesn't expect any help from CLINTON (althogh he may, subtly, get it). He wants to appeal to Clinton VOTERS. McCain, of course, is similarly "using" Joe Biden's words. For Maddow to suggest that this has anything to do with FEMINISM, and with men using women, shows why nobody listens to either Air America or MSNBC.
Look at OBAMA, though. Obama passed over Hillary Clinton for Vice President, even though she got 18 million votes, in favor of a MAN who got 5,000 votes. At times, Obama called the Clinton campaign RACIST (directly suggesting Bill Clinton was making racist remarks). There has been no sign that Obama respects Clinton AT ALL. He certainly doesn't like her.
So why is Hillary Clinton going out there to praise Obama tonight? She is being USED. Oh, she knows she is being USED, but she has no choice. Think of it. The Democratic Party, AND MSNBC, pass over and dis a MORE QUALIFIED WOMAN for President. Then Obama passes over the same woman in faovr of a LESS QUALIFIED man, for Vice President. And now they all want Hillary Clinton to SAVE Barack "World" Obama, and "unify" the Democratic Party. This is after Obama did not even ask her ADVICE on the VP, or talk to her about it.
Is there any question that it is Obama that is attempting to USE Hillary Clinton in the sense that Maddow was using the word? Obviously not. It is not McCain that is using Hillary Clinton It is Obama. And it really is fundamentally against her will, since she has no real choice (as women allegedly had no real choice back when they were housewives and had to please their husbands or be out on the street).
If you don't laugh hysterically at Rachel Maddow, you have no sense of humor. Considering how she looks, maybe the entertainment value would be worth watching her? Nope. Not worth the agony. At some point, partisan stupidity stops being funny, and just grates.
Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi and Barack "World" Obama
See the three entries in this blog since yesterday on Nancy "Total Filure" "Pope" Pelossi.
Now consider that if Obama becomes President, this woman will be one of THREE people running the country (the third being the equally stupid and scary Harrly "Dirty Oil" Reid).
If that doesn't scare you (even more than the thought that Pelosi is even now Speaker of the House), nothing will.