Friday, August 8, 2008

Michelle Obama and the Polygamist Wives--Or Is It the Stepford Wives?

What was the most striking thing about those women from that Texas (really imported here) polygamist cult who appeared on TV to condemn Texas for taking their children away (an alleged injustice with which the Texas Supreme Court would eventually agree)?
Right.  Those "polygamist wives" came across as Stepford Wives:  Programmed robots with no will on their own, and without even any emotions of their own. 
Michelle Obama resurfaced yesterday.  For all intents and purposes, she might as well have been one of those polygamist wives.  She came across as a programmed robot:  there to say what she was told to say without any emotion or passion at all. 
The (obviously deliberate) contrast with her previous public persona was as striking as the initial effect of seeing those programmed polygamist wives.  Previously, Michelle Obama had presented herself as a bitter and angry woman, who liked her country only when it was voting for her husband (albeit she did not always have kind things to say for him personally, although she always gave the impression of believing is his far leftist politics). 
For us sexist pigs, watching these political wives betray "feminism" is one of those non-guilty pleasures of our existence.  Watching Hillary Clinton wear pink when she was in trouble was always a hoot.  Even before Bill Clinton became President, some of us almost had orgasms when Yale feminist role model Hillary Rodham became Mrs. Clinton, after her husband was defeated for re-election as governor (allegedly partially because of her).  Yes, Hillary Clinton had PAVED THE WAY for Michelle Obama to transform into a Stepford wife.   Now don't get me wrong.  Hillary Clinton was never very GOOD at it.  The programming just never seemed to stick.  Michelle Obama shows more potential for becoming a truly and permanently (at least until Obama is President) programmed polygamist/Stepford wife.
Does all of this have anything to do with whether Barack "World" Obama should be President of the United States?  Of course not.  It is just FUN to watch.  It does, of course, show again that Obama is nothing more than an ordinary politician spinning and manipulating everything to try to become President.  But you already knew that, unless you somehow have been brainwashed by the mainstream media.
Even the previous bitter, angry attitude of Michelle Obama did not have much to do with whether her husband should be President.  Oh, it did seem to provide a window into the mind of Barack himself, since it was consistent with the moments when Obama's own programming would slip, or when his arrogant condescension toward a "flawed" America would shine through (as in Berlin).  Still, the ultimate question was always about the husband, and the wife has merely being an entertaining, if sometimes illuminating, sideshow.
Will Michelle Obama appear in pink?  A Fifties, June Clearver/Donna Reed hairstyle?  Stay tuned.  For us sexist pigs, it does not get any better than this. 

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