Friday, August 8, 2008

Obama, Korea and the International Left

That 1800 word article by the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press, about which I have been wring since Sunday in multiple entries this week, attempted to USE a South Korean Commission to bootstrap into an attack on the United States.  Now the South Korean Commission hardly provided any justification for the AP article trying to trash the U.S. over alleged WAR events 58 years ago.  But it is time to ask the questions, and provide the answers, that the despicable AP did not even ask as we lead into the award of the Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate tomorrow.
WHY do we have a South Korean Commission looking into events in the Korean Conflict 58 years ago.  At this point that is for HISTORIANS, and has no current relevance.  Now the despicable AP tries to take CREDIT (I could never make this stuff up) for going over documents disclosed in 1999, and suggesting that some bad things took place in the Korean War.  I am glad that the AP admits that it has been hopelessly anti-American, and a disciple of the Reverend Wright view that the U.S. has been the major terrorist nation in the World as far back as you want to go, since at least 1999.  If we ever impeach Harry Truman POSTHUMOUSLY, or stupidly give REPARATIONS (see below) to South Korea, I will be glad to give the despicable AP credit.  However, the AP does not fully explain what is going on here, although the Reverend Wright "terrorist America" view is certainly part of it, as is the Obama "citizen of the world" trashing of the U.s. for all of our "faults" (with little statement of our virtues and accomplishments).
First, there are POLITICS in South Korea, expecially now that it is "democratic"--as leftist type politicians try t make points by attacking the U.S. and the prior government of South Korea.  This is really no different than those ENDLESS Democratic Congressional "investigations" over the way we treated TERRORISTS 5 or 6 lyears ago.  The explanation is in CURRENT POLITICS, and not any real purpose in investigating relatively insignificant events dating from many years ago.  The only thing unusual about South Korea is the sheer length of time involved, but there are internal events in South Korea that tend to explain it (along with the Interantional, anti-American left described below).  South Korea would like to UNITE with North Korea, or at least end the long period of official hostilities between the two.  For Korea, where the "Korean Conflict" never finally ended except with a truce, the Korean War is still a live issue.  Too bad.  It is also too bad you did not learn anything about what is really going on from the despicable AP, if they were going to pay any attention to it, but the AP is not longer about "news"  It is about agenda.
Do South Koreans like the U.S.? Oh, I doubt if they DISLIKE us.  But like the rest of the world, South Koreans regard the U.S. as a RICH country.  We SAVED them, but that is in the PAST.  It is done.  We are still protecting them, but they probably are more interested in moving toward uniting Korea than in thanking us for making it all possible. That is human nature.  Did I mention we are a RICH country--especially from the perspective of the rest of the world.
Reparations.  Yes, the despicable AP actually brought up (with almost approval, and certainly with a straight face) the subject of PAYING COMPENSATION to Korean families "damaged" by "unjustified" American air attacks.  Let us go right by the impossibility of determining who was WRONGLY "damaged", IN WAR, 58 years ago.  This is insanity.  For the despicable AP to apparently take it seriously is double insanity.
There is a REASON for "sovereign immunity"--the doctrine that sovereign governments cannot be sued without their consent (even if there are exceptions).  Especially in a democratic Republic like the United States, the "government" is not some sort of definable group of people.  They are merely representatives of ALL of the people.  If the U.S. were to pay "reparations" to South Koreans for SAVING that country, it would be ALL of us paying (all taxpayers anyway).  It would not be whatever soldiers allegedly made MISTAKES IN WAR.  Plus, we are talking 58 years ago. 
Does it make any sense for families of Americans who DIED to save South Korea to pay "damages" to families of alleged "refugees" who may or may not have been killed by American planes in collateral damage in a war for survival?  Of course it makes no sense.
Do we pay damages to people of SOUTH VIETNAM (now just Vietnam) for "suffering" caused by our bombing there?  How about that fire bombing of Tokyo, which many "experts" think was a total waste of lives and bombs.  Dresden?  Hiroshima and Nagasaki?  Philippines?  Slavery?  Treatment of Chinese, Puerto Rican, Italian, etc., IMMIGRANTS?  Lynching of African-Americans?  Discrimination against African-Americans and other minorities?  Denying the vote to WOMEN?  Native Americans?  Jews?  Did I not tell you that this whole idea of HISTORICAL "compensation" is INSANE.  It has ONE, and only ONE, reason for being advanced.  The U.S. is perceived as a RICH country, and everyone looks on this as FREE money.  Plus, even if you can't get any actual money, as you won't unless the people of this country go nuts, you make POLITICAL POINTS for yourself as you act as a demagogue with your chosen constituents. Who isn't willing to believe that they are OWED MONEY, if someone is willing to tell them that.
The left in the world is one--thinking generally the same.  This is especially true with regard to the Reverend Wright idea that the United States is the main source of evil in the world.  Even if a leftist is not willing to go that far, most leftists are wiling to accept the idea that the U.S. does not DESERVE to be so rich and powerful--that we have exploited the rest of the world.  Thus, the international left and domestic left are ONE on this subject.  That is exactly why Barack "Wrold" Obama went to Berlin and proclaimed that he was a "citizen" of the word. He then came back and said that the WORLD regarded him as a "symbol" of THEIR aspirations for America.
It is no accident that Obama virtually endorsed the idea of REPARATIONS for minorities in this country.  See last week's entry, with exact quote.  It is irrelevant to Obama that the idea is INSANE.  Nations can't start down the road of compensating GROUPS, or even families of long dead "victims", without totally losing contact with reality.  As I have said previously, NO American taxpayer alive today was involved with slavery  To take money away from those taxpayers to endorse some POLITICAL idea of redress for history's wrongs would indeed constitute THEFT (see the entry on Walter Williams on Wednesday). 
But the International Left LIKES the idea of America paying for being too rich.  They LIKE the idea of us PAYING for our perceived selfish overuse of the world's resources.  They LIKE the idea of a "world tax" (another concept virtually endorsed by Obama) to remedy world poverty or compensate for the effects of AMERICAN CAUSED "global warming". 
To the extent that crass domestic politics is not behind that Korean idea of "compensation" for 58 year old "worngs", the International Left IS behind the idea.  Even if you could not trace the idea directly to leftist politicians, and the despicable AP made no effort to look in to the people behind this at all, this whole concept comes from the International Left, of which the domestic left mostly regards itself as a part (consider Obama's words again).
You doubt me?  You really are a fool, aren't you.  You know what the AP said that this Korean Commission did?  It specifically requested CONGRESS to hold committee HEARINGS, and INVESTIGATE these allegations of 58 year old historical "wrongs" occurring as we SAVED South Korea!!!  And you think the world does not pay attention to leftists here, and all of this Congressional trashing of the U.S.
Nope.  The International Left, of which the extreme left in this country is a part, BELIEVES what Reverend Wright believes.  They BELIEVE that the U.S. is a primary source of evil in the world, and should pay for it.  They BELIEVE that we are TOO RICH, and that the "rich" should pay.  They BELIEVE that we are an inexhaustible source of money.  And even if we aren't, we SHOULD be brought down to the level of the rest of the world.  It is UNFAIR that this country has so mcuh.
Read the AP article (if you can find it now), or read all of my entries.  You should have a picture by now of why I consider this article so revealing.  It REVEALS the anti-American, despicable AP for what it is, as well as AOL "News".  It REVEALS both the International and domestic left for what they are.  If you have been listening to Barack "Wrold Obama", as he deals with things like "reparations" and being a "citizen of the world", it REVEALS Obama for who he really is (a representative of the point of view of the International Left). 
What more do you want from one article.  As I have said, I no longer need to read multiple leftists publications.  The despicable AP now provides me with the point of view of the anti-American left on EVERYTHING. 
P.S.  It is no accident that the despicable, anti-American AP routinely quotes international "human rights groups" to trash the U.S. and the U.S. military.  Yes, I have multiple entries in this blog on that very thing, usually with quotes.  To the despicable AP, Korea 58 years ago is no different from Iraq AND Afghanistan today.  Every allegation of the killing of civilians by the U.S. military is a MAJOR story for the A.P.  There is simply no doubt that the AP regards itself as part of the International Left, and that the International Left regards the AP as a reliable distributor of anti-American propaganda. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It has ONE, and only ONE, reason for being advanced.  The U.S. is perceived as a RICH country, and everyone looks on this as FREE money"

Amen. Something for nothing. Ridiculous.