Thursday, August 7, 2008

Obama: Ashamed of His Counry? The Unasked Questions Continue

There have been two recent themes in this blog that came together today in the repsonse Barack "World" Obama gave to a 12 year old girl (poor girl).

One theme is that "World" Obama does not think much of this country.  He went to Berlin and declared himself a "citizen of the world"--declaring himself PROUD to be a "citizen of the world".  He did NOT declare himself "proud" to be a citizen of the United states.  He said he LOVED his country, but he did NOT say he was proud of it.  In fact, his speech indicatged the opposite.  He said that the U.S. had many flaws, including in our past.  He described a number of them, without much emphasis on our VIRUTES.  Again he implied that we were not treating "immigrants" (translation:  illegal immigrants) fairly, and suggested that the "barriers" between "natives" (oh, those nasty Native Americans) and immigrants had to be dissolved, and how people had to learn to get along with people who did not look like them.  Of course, he trashed us over Iraq (NEVER, as far as I know, having acknoledged that Saddam Hussein was an EVIL TYRANT--whether the Iraq War was a mistake or not). 

Then Barack "World" Obama came home, and told Democrats in the House that he had become a symbol for the WHOLE WORLD wanting America to return to her "best traditions".  Unasked question:  WHAT "best traditions"?  Are we not LESS bigoted?  Barack "World" Obama is abut to be nominated for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.  We hafe more laws and regulations against racial discrimination than we have EVER had.  We have more women, African-Americans, and other minorities in positions of power than we have EVER had. What does Obama MEAN by that?  We are SPENDING more Federal money, and have more Federal programs, than we have EVER had (to Preisident Bush's discredit, but that is a different issue).  We have a whole NEW Medicare Drug Benefit Program.  We have EXPANDED Medicare and Meddicaid (with child benefits and that drug program, along with continuing expansions of eligibility for Medicaid) to the point they are going broke.  We have (stupidly) PASSED "global warming" and "aleternative energy" bills.  Okay.  Obama is a creature of the EXTREME LEFT.  So he thinks we have not done ENOUGH.  But what are those "best traditions"?

See this blog's recent entries about how leftists are NOT aksed "questions".  Therefore, there are never any aricles about Obama DENYING charges (like President Bush had to DNEY the unsupported allegations in Ron Suskind's book).  There are TWO best selling books out there critical of Obama, anmed in this blog, and Obama is NOT asked abuot allegations in them.  They are not MENTIONED in the mainstream media.  The mainstream media won't even ASK John Edwards about his "love child" (when he was USING his wife's cancer to gain sympathy in his run for the Presidency).  This is all so disgraceful that you would think the media cannot get worse, and yet they keep getting worse.  The mainstream media no longer has ANY credibility. 

We come to that 12 year old girl today.  She asked some question about Obama's vision of American's future.  His answer, in major part:  "America is no longer what it could be, and what it once was."  Note that this is EXACTLY the same arrogant nonsense that Obama said in Berlin, and before those House Democrats.

" longer what Aermica could be..?"  How does that make any sense.  "No longer" suggests that we have STOPPED being something.  "Could be" suggests that we NEVER WERE something (Obama never really explains what).  Now I admit this is a LITTLE picky (only a little because Obama KEEPS sayihng this sstupid stuff, and the mainstream media just refuses to observe how truly stupid it is).  There is that bigger proble of the UNASKED QUESTION.

What was this "golden moment" when America "once was"?  Was it during the Bush Administration when houseng was BOOMING (before the bubble burst)?  Was it during the FALSE boom in the Clinton Adminsitration, before the bubble burst?  Was it when we let illegal immigrants come in without trying to enforce the law?  Was it the great time when Ronald Reagan WON the Cold War for the world?  Was it Wrold War II, when we IMMEDIATELY ended up with the Cold War against the Evil Empire of the Soviet Union (AND were just comein g out of the Great Depression BECAUSE of World War II, with NO Mediare and NO Civil Rights Laws, plus the continuing disgrace of "seaparate but equal in our shcools"?  What about the Eisenhower years, when George Wallace and/or other Southern politicians stood on school steps and refused to let black children go tot the schools to which they should have been going all along?  Was the "golden moment" in the brief Presidency of JFK, when he GOT NOTHING DONE.  Lyndon Johnson would get the Civil Rights legislation passed, along with the DISASTROUS "War on Poverty" which would do more than  anything to destroy the African-American family--plluse Lyndon Johnson was responsible for VIETNAM (much worse than Iraq)--a place where President Kennedy put in the first substantial number of "advisors".  Was JFK truly that "golden moment" when he botched the Bay of Pigs?  Yes, he faced down the Soviet Union over Cuba--perhaps with a secret deal not made public at the time. 

History is like that.  You can ALWAYS point to flaws, because no one (with the possible exclusion of the REAL "Messiah") is perfect.  But what does Obama MEAN by "once was"?  I submit he means NOTHING.  I submit it just sounds good to him, and that he, in fact, is not very proud of this country.  In fact, since Michelle Obama said, THIS YEAR, that seh was "really proud" of this country for the first time, does that not indicate that America is better NOW than any time during her life (arrogant as that statement was)?  How can you say that America "once was" at the time of World War II, when racial discrimination was still in place in this country?  Aer we not BETTER now?  At the same time, how can you TRASH the America of World War II when that America SAVED CIVILIZATION and at least started the move toward racial equity?

Have you SEEN the mainstream media ask any of thses questions?  Nope.  What you have SEEN is Barack "World" Obama getting ANNOYED when he is asked even faintly searching questions.  A Las Vegas reporter asked Obama som mildly "tough" question, and Obama IMMEIDIATELY (before even answering) accused the reporter of standing in for the McCain campaign.

I tell you this man (Obama) is DANGEROUS.  However, he is not nearly as DANGEROUS as what our mainstream media has become, and as this attitude that Obama should not be BOTHERED with questions. 

It is enough to make you scream.  In this blog, you will continue to hear about it, no matter how redundant it seems, because the mainstream media is NOT asking any questions or even LETTING any questions being asked get through t the public at large.  Little as this blog might be able to do to counter that, I still feel bound to do it.

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