Sunday, August 3, 2008

Korea and the Antil-American Associated Press

"SEOUL, South Korea -South Korean investigators, matching once-secret documents to eyewitness accounts, are concluding that the U.S. military indiscriminately killed large groups of refugees and other civilians early in the Korean War."
"Commission researchers have unearthed evidence of indiscriminate killings in the declassified U.S. archive, including a report by U.S. inspectors-general that pilots couldn't distinguish their South Korean civilian allies from North Korean enemy soldiers."
The above is the lead paragraph from one of those anti-American "AP IMPACT" stories on AOL (translation:  ANTI-AMERICAN propaganda--see archives of this blog), along with a later, representative paragraph (although hardly the WORST paragraph in WEVERAL HOUSAND words of anti-American propaganda, unrelived by perspective or contrary opinion/facts).  Yep.  The whole article really represents several thousand words setting forthe the Reverend Wright view of the United States--which explains totally why the MEDIA and the LEFT continued to defend Reverend Wright, even as Obama was throwing him unde the bus for political expediency. 
This is the THIRD anti-American, anti-U.S. military, pro-Reverend Wright "IMPACT" article from the "Anti-American, Despicable, Associated Press.  The first two were WINNERS of the coveted/dreaded "Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate" award in my AOL blog, "The Maverick Conservative" (this week's winner is Reverend Wright's protege, Barack "World" Obama).  The first two articles blamed the U.S. for SOUTH KOREAN machine gunning of thousands of prisoners.
IMPEACH Democrat Harry Truman as a War Criminal (posthumously)!  Heck, the man ordered those atomic bombs. 
This was WAR. People die.  Innocent people die.    They did in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden and Tokyo.  This idea of infinite regress to try to compensate for all of the wrongs of HISTORY is RIDICULOUS.  The entity actually responsible for refugee deaths:  NORTH KOREA
This is the THIRD anti-American, anti-U.S. military, pro-Reverend Wright "IMPACT" article from the "Anti-American, Despicable, Associated Press.  The first two were WINNERS of the coveted/dreaded "Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate" award in my AOL blog, "The Maverick Conservative" (this week's winner is Reverend Wright's protege, Barack "World" Obama).  The first two articles blamed the U.S. for SOUTH KOREAN machine gunning of thousands of prisoners.
IMPEACH Democrat Harry Truman as a War Criminal (posthumously)!  Heck, the man ordered those atomic bombs. 
This was WAR. People die.  Innocent people die.    They did in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden and Tokyo.  This idea of infinite regress to try to compensate for all of the wrongs of HISTORY is RIDICULOUS.  The entity actually responsible for refugee deaths:  NORTH KOREA.
P.S.  This will be the THIRD time that the truly despicable AP, AND AOL, will EARN the Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate for KOREA (fifty seven or eitght years ago).  I will probably have MULTIOPLE further entries this week on this truly disgraceful story, typical of the REVEREND WRIGHT view of America as the main source of evil in the world.  It is also nothing but a variation on the Barack "World" Obama view that the U.S. needs to be "held to account" for all of our sins throughout history, including by reparations.  This is the view of the INTERNATIONAL, ANTI-AMERICAN left, and Obama. (redundancy). 
P.S.2:  Have I told you how much CONTEMPT I have for ANYONE who works for either the AP or AOL?  I know I have.  They PROVE that my contempt is UNDERSTATED every single day.  If you believe a SINGLE word that either the AP or AOL "News" says, you are an IDIOT.

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