Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama and Evil: Darfur as the Evil Threat of Our Time

Obama and McCain had that joint forum over the weekend where they were questioned separately by an evangelical "megachurch" pastor and motivational book writer.  McCain did surprisingly well.
But there was one "no one could make this up" moment where Obama again answered the question:  "How do we know you are a radical leftist?"
No.  That was not the question actually asked, but it was the question Obama answered.  The question actually asked was about EVIL in the world:  whether it exists and what we should do about it.
McCain said:  "Defeat it", and went on to talk about bin Laden and Islamic extremists/terrorists.
Obama said evil exists, but then named DARFUR as the first evil in the world that came to mind.  I seriously ask you:  Could I make this up? 
For reasons I do not understand, Darfur has become a LEFTIST cause.  Yep.  People have died in Darfur.  Genocide has probably been attempted in Darfur. 
Where ELSE do you know that people were being killed from 1990 to 2003?  Where genocide was being attempted?  That's right:  Saddam Hussein's Iraq.  Plus, Saddam Hussein had shown himself to be a THREAT to peace in the region (remember invasion of Kuwait--first Gulf War?). 
For some reason, however, leftists have decided that we should be doing something about DARFUR, which is too poor and desolate a place to affect any direct interest of the United States.  I know.  We have an interest in not having genocide occur, but we had that interest in Iraq, plus multiple other interests. 
Point:  when ordinary people hear the word "evil", Darfur is NOT the FIRST place that comes to mind.  Oh, there is evil that has occurred there, right enough, but it is hardly in a class with al-Qaida and Islamic extremism as a WORLD threat.  There are a number of other places in the world where people are dying--just as obscure.  WHY DARFUR?  Ask the left.  Why the left adopts particular "causes", and ignores others, defies all reason.  Doesn't matter.  We know that the left has adopted Darfur as a "cause".  That entirely explains why Darfur was Obama's "default" (first word association) answer when he was asked about "evil".
What was his second?  That is just as interesting, in its way.  Obama went on to give examples of evil IN THE UNITED STATES.  You didn't expect "citizen of the world" Obama to fail to make clear that there is lots of evil HERE would you?  He mentioned the streets of our cities, WITHOUT mentioning that one city where gang violence and murder has been out of control has been his own CHICAGO.  He mentioned parents who abuse their chidren--evil certainly, but the kind of EVIL that immediately comes to mind?  Strikes me that such garden variety human evil is hardly EVIL (the all caps kind).  Now I might be tempted to put abortion  (abutse of children) in that category, but in another question Obama mde clear he thinks women are capable of deciding their own interests there.  See last week's entry entitled "Obama:  Pro-Infanticide". 
Then, after making clear that America is full of pretty evil people, as he did in Berlin, Obama went on to say that he would "confront" evil.  What did he mean by that? You know what he meant.  He meant NEGOTIATE EITH EVIL.  That is what he has proposed with Iran, and his reflexive reaction to everything (such as Russia's invasion of Georgia, where Obama's FIRST reaction was that we needed to sit down and have BOTH SIDES recognize the evil of their ways.  I described that reaction, correctly, as the "Can't we all just get along" reaction, as Putin's Russian tanks were trying to crush Georgia.
The man (Obama) is a MENACE.  As I have said, McCain may well be a menace, especially to conservatives.  But Obama is a special kind of menace whose first reaction to anything is the radical leftist reaction that is his "default" "philosophy", when he is not trying to deceive with empty speeches and deceptive position announcements.
The leftist, mainstream media reaction to this "answer" of Obama was predictable.  They realized that the answer was hopeless.  But the way they expressed it was that Obama's reaction was too "nuanced" for the (dumb) American people. 
Hogwash. The answer was DUMB.  It reveals Obama for the leftist he is:  a person whose FIRST reaction is ALWAYS to make sure it is understood he does not regard the U.S.A. as better than the rest of the world, and whose mind comes up with DARFUR simply because it is a leftist cause.
I truly hope, without believing, that McCain will choose a VP good enough to let me hold my nose and vote for him (for the VP, that is, even if McCain is the one on the ballot).  I really would love to vote against this guy (Obama).

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